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A commodity buck converter which costs £20 performs well.
New Step-down DC Converter 24V to 12V 30A 360W Buck Power Supply Module For Car
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Good morning, all it's postbug. Well, it's sort of post bag um. This is an ebay item. I brought from bought sorry from a uk seller.

Let's take a look at it. Oh, i don't have a knife to hand i'll use this blade. So here it is. Oh it's in another bag similar to that bag.

Finally, we'll get to it. Oh it's in a third bag, but i think you can probably see what it is at this point it is oh, i should have opened it really. Let's do that with the same blunt knife. Yes, that did make a cut.

You probably have guessed at this point that this is a buck converter. Um completely potted in an aluminium can he's potted the shrimps. I'm very pleased actually to see that it's got two ground wires, because that means i can put an input connector on there and an output connector and i've kind of standardized on xt90. So i'll probably go for that um! Okay! This is in 24 volts, but between 15 and 40 that's ideal for my lithium-ion phosphate battery out is 12 volts at up to 30 amps.

So can it really do 30 amps? And the other question is that 12 volts? Is it high 12 volts? Is it engine running 12 volts? Because on a lot of these power stations, the 12 volts has been like 13 and a half or something like that? So we will check it out and see what it does. So. I've just come out to the shed to take a look at this buck converter. It's the one, the rui deng with the display, and i will be replacing it with this ebay buck converter, mainly because this one has a rating of 15 amps does have a nice display i'll, miss that, and this one has a rating of 30 amps, and that Means i can probably run this ant miner on all three of its hashing boards.

I think that takes about 300 watts. Now it's about 270 watts at 12, volts yeah. So that's not 30 amp. So this should be fine to run this miner pretty much full-on, but i used xt-90s on here and really the main reason was not the current handling.

It was the pitch between the two pins, which just kind of matched the distance between the two terminal blocks and actually, i think they spaced them, because you can end up with the square washer there getting quite close, so they spaced them out simply so that the Square washers wouldn't touch in the middle, that's my theory anyway, but uh yeah xt 90s. So what i want to do now is put a couple of xt90s one male one female on the end of these four wires, bring this out and see if it works in place of that thing, it should do see if it gets nice and warm. Actually. This would make a really nice hand warmer.

So a couple of these uh xd60s and men and a female they're mad. Of course uh. No, the female will go on the output. Yes, that's the female, but it's the connector.

You usually get on lipos. So that's going to be the yes and you want the recessed metal work for something which has got a constant voltage on it and the exposed metal work can be on the input side where shorting it wouldn't be a problem. So it's going to be like that. Now i'm not gon na film the soldering, because i've done plenty that in recent days and i'm sure you're quite bored with it so i'll just get on with that and come back when it's done so i've cut the wires short.
These are very recessed in these males, uh, that's positive yeah. That goes in a long way, so i've done a longer strip back on that, and these are not recessed at all. That caught me out the other day um. The other thing you can do with these and it's very, very convenient.

Oh, i can't find my pliers um is that you can rotate these before you solder them to a more convenient position. I quite like them sitting as two sort of cups like that. So i'll put that on some blue tack and get soldering right, that's done uh! I think it's the right way around. Yes, that's the input, that's the output, i'll! Take it out to the shed measure, the output voltage.

That's the first thing just feeling how warm there that one's quite warm still um. The first thing that's of interest to me - is that squeegee, no that's solid yeah. It doesn't really take a nail indentation, um yeah measure the output voltage and see whether it's going to be good for the mining right. These batteries are fully charged, although um one.

I topped these, i top balance them by charging with the t8 charger at various different current levels, all the way down to 0.1 amps 100 milliamps, and so they were absolutely top balanced, but they sink back, and i think that these cells have different springiness and this Concept of springiness i'm going to have to explain more fully in another video, but they just all sort of settle back to different positions, so they're completely out of balance. Again, it doesn't look like it from here, because they're, probably all in their mid-range voltages they've, been sat there for a day doing nothing right. Let's connect to this up, i'm going to put a curl in it. I'm expecting a spark because there will be input capacitors in there.

So, let's see if we get a spark yep a little bit of a clunk and now i want to measure the output voltage of this so dc volts on my meter and nothing related to 10 amps connected on oh good, it's just a little bit! Oh! Why is it negative? Oh because i've put the red one on common, oh, never mind, but it's a little bit above 12 volts, which is fine. Actually, i i was concerned that this would be a sort of i don't know: uh radio hams version of 12 volts where they're looking more for 13.8, but that's good. It is 12.1. That's perfect! For my ant miner.

I shall connect my ant miner and start mining away. What's in here, i think initially, i might do this with two hashing cards so that we're looking at about. I think it was 13 amps on the output and that's going to be about six or seven on the input, but i don't have any ammeters here. I ought to make an ammeter xt90 male to female, which can go through my meter shouldn't.
I yeah i'm just thinking actually what the heck, why not go for the three hashing boards? Um that'll, be 270 watts at the minor i think um. These are 250 watt hours, approximately 10 amp hours. It's going to mean about 10 amps. On this side, possibly a little more got a 30 amp fuse.

The bms can do 20 amps. That should be all right. Yeah, i'm going to put all three hashing boards on see what happens right. I've had to put this here because the camera battery was a bit of a dud and it only runs for a short time without being plugged in it's now plugged.

In so ignore that that's just powering the camera, everything seems fine, this is mildly, warm, not excessively warm um, 270 or 80 watts coming through. There is my guess, that's what i know the ant miner takes with all three hashing cards. The battery voltages have are being pulled against these springs. This springiness have been pulled down, but it's still holding 3.06 volts on cell 2.

um. Yes, it's it's! It's interesting. This springiness, it's as though a spring is being pushed in, but it's managing to hold it and at some point it'll collapse and go and give up, and then that will plunge down really fast and the bms will drop out. The bms was stone cold.

It's now mild. No, it's not really warm it's just not quite as cold as it was. This is the thing. That's getting warm, that's not that's.

25 degrees, not even 30. I don't think it might be 30. um, but it's yeah. That's quite nice.

To warm my hand, i'm imagining that'll get a lot warmer now. What's interesting about these, these are commodity items. I mean they're always available on ebay. This was 20 pounds, 1999 i'll, put a link in the description for this, and i can independently power hashing boards with multiples of these.

So there's no point trying to find a buck converter, which does i don't know 80 amps on its output or something mad 30. Amps is more than enough i'll take the camera out of its crazy. So, ultimately, i want to try and drive one of these machines: the l3s because they're much more productive, financially lucrative, you might say um, but you can see there's a lot of 12 volts needed on this. I think these run at 800 watts if you run them flat out, but i was thinking i could use one of these butt converters on each of these four hashing boards, so that there's no danger of overloading the back converters and i can buy these off the Shelf cheap items and still run a really high power.

This is 800 watts at 12 volts. I can't work out in my head what that is in amps. It's a lot. Isn't it it's a lot of amps um? Yes, this is about 300 watts.

Isn't it so? Four of these would work on one of these quite nicely and it doesn't matter that the hashing boards are each driven by an independent one of these. So that's the plan. This is all working quite well, actually, 3.06 volts on the lowest cell. As i say, i am expecting about half an hour from these batteries.
They're not getting warm, are they no they're, not bothered about this amount of power, and the nice thing about running the ant miner, with all three of its hashing boards running is that it actually throws out a significant amount of heat. I mean that's a 300 watt or 280 watt heater. That's actually producing a nice bit of warmth around the back there. So that's good! So yeah, i'm very pleased with this thing.

I think that's going to do the job perfectly well, and i just wrap these up multiples of these when i build my bigger systems, bigger batteries and i have bought some new lithium-ion phosphate batteries. Yes, i'll go into that in more detail in another video bms is, although i'm not expecting them to actually do very much, because the idea with this is solar charges. The batteries until they're, nearly full some sort of measuring device turns on this to turn on the load. That's just gone up in fan speed, it's obviously warming up in there and then that mines until the batteries are nearly empty, but not enough to turn this off and then the relay thing drops out and solar is connected to these permanently and they charge back out.

That's how it's going to work, and it is working right. I'd say this is now it's getting a bit warmer. This is now up to about 40 degrees would be my guess, something like that. 30 upper 30s - it's not hot.

I mean i can leave my hand on it. It's very nice to leave my hand on it. It's pleasantly warm uh still 306 on that cell, so huge amount of current well 10 amps being pulled from these and they just hold up until of course they don't and then they'll fall off a cliff. But it's interesting how flat this center section of their operation is just very little movement.

You certainly can't estimate state of charge from voltage on lithium ion phosphate, still 3.06 volts on the lowest cell and i'll just come around here for a minute. Oh i'm at the limit of my cable, but you can see uh on the mining. If you can see that it's done one penny so far, so i'm expecting three: it's not a penny. It's a u.s cent expecting about threatens before the batteries.

Three u.s sense. That is before the battery is completely shut off and uh. This butt converter, that's no more than 40 degrees. I would say it's about the temperature of a human being 38 degrees as a human being, something like that yeah.

It's just pleasantly warm, but no movement on that cell voltage. It's extraordinary. It's almost as though they're everlasting batteries, just a tiny sign of movement on cell 2. That's down to 3.05! Now so i'll keep an eye on that to see when it starts to fall precipitously, but just to compare the mining rates of these miners.

That's the one that's running on the lithium ion batteries and that's done one cent. But if i go to the other miners which are on - and they are the ones that are just running off the mains currently they're the script miners - oh i pressed it and then i pressed it again, two fingers to bring it down. I mean together, they've earned 38 cents, it's just a totally different ballpark yeah they're pulling more power than this is they're just far more lucrative those machines so they're the ones i want to use ultimately, but they pull more power. I'll need a bigger system.
3.04. Now, on that cell too, i've noticed the bms is mildly, warm 25 degrees. Something like that. Pleasantly warm and even the cells are not freezing cold anymore.

It's hard to tell their temperature but they're like 15 20 degrees, possibly this buck converter. There is that's gone up. A bit maybe 40 degrees, possibly not even that very nicely warm actually wouldn't mind. Several of those on my desk put my hands on them.

Keep myself warm all 303! That's starting its turn downwards would be my guess. Okay, update 2.99 volts on cell 2. Bms is pleasantly, warm cells are not freezing cold, but converter is now warm hotter than a human 45 degrees. I'd, say um, but not worryingly, so everything seems to be hanging in there.

Oh and two cents of earnings. So far that could be as much as on the other machine that could be as much as five or six cents they're that different 2.98 there. Now i was just thinking it's nice to have a system that actually works. You know cells that can handle 10 amps.

1C, a bms that can actually handle 10 amps, no problem, this butt converter, which probably has getting on for 20 amps on the output of it works. Everything works. That's not the case when you buy 99 cent bits of top from china via ebay, i'm not criticizing either ebay or china, but if you buy something for 99 cents. Well, you get what you pay for 2.94 on here now 2.93.

That is definitely starting its decline. I'll do it this way around decline down where it accelerates downwards, and then the bms will go. Oh, i don't like that low voltage. What was it was it about 2.2 volts or something like that? It went down to eventually something like that.

Wasn't it right i'll turn the light on, because for some bizarre reason i was filming with no lights on. This is dropping now, quick enough to see it 2.75, two 2.74, 2.73, and that will accelerate so we'll watch that go all the way down to. I think it was 2.2 or something like that. The bms will drop out there'll, be a moment of off and then, as these climb back up the bms, which i didn't think it did come back on did it.

I think it realized the the switch back on threshold must be set high enough that it doesn't just switch back on because of cell voltage recovery, so there probably isn't an immediate risk of this all firing back up again. It doesn't really matter because the ant miner over there does a minute or so of boot up before it turns on the high power hashing boards. But i will unplug this because of course the next phase is to hook the solar panel to the ideal diode back up to the cells and charge them back up again, it's all a bit manual at the moment, but ultimately this will be fully automated, because i'm Not sure whether i mentioned this, but my intention is to have these systems at remote sites where there's nobody there managing them. How well that will go remains to be seen much easier to have one here where i can come and watch it and react.
If something horrible goes wrong. Fans have slowed down, i think on both minus simultaneously. That's nothing to do with power that warms that yeah. Just nice nicely warm now, of course, at these higher currents, we're losing more energy or power as heat, but i am hoping that i'll do three cents, uh crypto markets fairly buoyant at the moment.

It's gone up, it's showing two cents, but whether we'll get to three before this cell drops right out two point: four: four now nice to get three cents which could translate to i don't know 10 or 12 cents on the uh, the more profitable machines, and that Way, you can sort of calculate approximate daily earnings if you had a battery bank big enough to store a day's worth of solar energy 2.38 on there now and falling fairly quickly, all the other cells. Well, these bottom six are all still over three volts, so i think we've definitely got um a lower capacity cell because, as i said, i have balanced this now. Of course, the current the input end are going to be going up now because the voltage is falling. These cells - oh yes, cell, one, actually top one.

On the left hand, side is quite warm, so two is also quite warm. Two point: two, six volts, this thing vms, which you can't quite see now i can't bring it into shot - is not alarmingly warm, but at 2.2 volts that should cut out pretty soon 2.21 or did it go down to 2.18? Was it something like that? 2.20? Yes, it might have been 2.182.19 2.18 and it shut down and the cell voltages are recovering right. Well, that's the end of the video. I am going to pull this plug out because i don't want it to fire back up again.

I don't think it will, but i'll take that out to make sure it doesn't, and that is a full discharge through the new buck converter, i'm very happy with that. I'll buy some more of these. Yes, oh just a final update on the coin, value earned and it is well. You can see this earnings is two cents.

This line up here. I can get rid of that. This line up. No this one up here.

Well, the one above there anyway is five cents. I can show you that by going to there there five cents - and you can see that the blue bar is about halfway up so probably earned about two and a half cents, something like that. Cheerio.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

15 thoughts on “30a buck converter – 24v to 12v”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mspider12 says:

    I could of used one of those 25 years ago.I used an electric wheelchair that used 2 12 volt deep cycle batteries in series for 24 volts. My wheelchair was like an rv and most auto/truck/accessories are 12. I used one battery, but it came unbalance and found a converter, but it was the size of an audio transformer. Worked well. I had a heating pad, 12 volt lights, a cooler, 120 volt inverter and used it to power a compressor as needed to top off the tires.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars gamerpaddy says:

    i would never power something valuable from a non isolated buck converter, if it locks up it usually fails with input shorted to the output., then you fry whatever you got connected it. at least give it a crowbar circuit and a fuse

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marks47 says:

    bigclive was logging the capacity degradation each time he charged a portable usb power bank. do you think you might lose more capacity per charge cycle on those batteries than a lipo pack, or less?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars marks47 says:

    I had an antminer S9 I think, and it did NOT like separate power supplies. I don't know why, but it would only operate at 20% or some very low capacity when connected to separate power supplies. (I do not think they were connected in parallel externally)

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SuperBrainAK says:

    I would be careful with modules like that, I had one 12v to 3.3v powering my BC-700 but it failed short circuit so that means 12v was going straight into the charger!! so just be careful

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars J H says:

    Someday soon, all electric heaters will be computing clusters. Thermostat calls for space heating, CPUs are powered on, negotiate with the Internet for selling CPU cycles or hashing or whatever, and off they go; emitting kilowatts of heat. Thermostat reaches Max T, instructs CPUs to begin an orderly shutdown. Therefore, it is obvious that CPU cycles and space heating will be linked and CPU cycle will soon be very nearly free, at least during winter in the northern hemisphere.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Beeny says:

    I nice LUCRATIVE days mining, I've made almost 3 cents. Another 20 years and you should have enough for a cup of coffee! Another 50 years and you would have paid off the equipment costs. Or am I missing something?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars David Simpson says:

    i been thinking of making a hydro powered miner you find a quite section near a river mount the wheel then set the miner further up the bank with a mobile phone for the data transfer once you get back what you have paid it is then profit

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Subgunman says:

    I wonder how much RFI they output and the frequency range of the RFI if they are noisey.
    This would be nice to build out a computer power supply with the needed voltage regulators for +5 and +3 volts needed for today's mini ITX boards. Would allow the use of a computer in a 24 volt military vehicle.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sylvan dB says:

    Sometimes you do find them putting out 13.6v to as high as 14v. This does work great if you need to run 12v automotive accessories.
    The cell "springiness" doesn't much affect top balance because voltage does not indicate state of charge when near full, but it does indicate the cells are likely not well matched.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars JamesG says:

    US eBay price for a comparable (apparently identical) converter runs as low as $16.00 with free shipping. A more common price is around $20.
    I'm using a couple of 10A converters which are very much like this, a bit smaller, for surveillance cameras. They've been solid.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimmy Ross says:

    not just that im sure you dont have a job so why dont you make like 4 videos a day and try to get ahead of the came lol am i the only one know how to use youtube the wright way lol

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jimmy Ross says:

    i use to watch you years ago and i just seen you again and you still dont have anymore subscribers then the last time lol must not be doing something wright lol i told you no one cares about hearing what your doing they want to see it not hear it

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars ultracurvenl says:

    so if you have 4 bucks running your boards.. of course independently switsched for current optimising,
    you should be thinking of some weather prediction..
    arduino with a year cycle (start measuring !) ..
    a light sensor
    a AI based camera for realtime cloud monitoring (mind is really getting to steam now)

    love the channel Julian..

    i see a future with renegades doing illegal solar taps… neo-solar-hacker will be a word soon.. whahaha

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jim Cumming says:

    I've used a few of those aluminium cased buck converters in projects and never had any problems with them. One has been running in my campervan turning 12v into 48v for years, although not at those currents.

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