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Antminer Z9 Mini connected via DC to the Bluetti AC200
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Good afternoon, all so here's the problem solar panel in full sun, a rare thing, but let's head into the workshop and the problem i have - is that the power bank that that panel is connected to is full completely fully charged. So that means that that solar panel out there isn't doing any work. So what i want is to have a situation where, if a power bank is fully charged, then it gets discharged. And i have the perfect thing into which to discharge all that energy.

And that is ant miners because they soak up the energy and turn it directly into cash. So, let's take out the mc4s that are going into this power bank because there's no point in them being in there and then i'll reconnect those to the blue etti ac. 200, which is down on the floor right, that's connected up into the connector on the side there, but, oh dear this thing's a hundred percent full, so i'm still not using the solar energy from that solar panel. So, let's hook up this miner and i've been doing some soldering, so i've made this.

This is one of these minor pcbs, which i pulled a couple of the six-way connectors off and soldered the wires into the board directly and those are the connectors that go onto the hashing boards and the controller board of the cryptocurrency miner. Oh sorry about the messy bench by the way i've been doing a lot of moving stuff around recently and then i soldered on this xt60 also in place of one of these six beam connectors. There's a four pin, connector they're, not sure what that's for so there. It is soldered i used all three pins on.

I think that's positive on the inside and all three pins on the negative, so that should carry the current that mine is going to take probably getting on for 20 amps and that xt60 connector goes connects to this. Now this cable came from blue etti when they sent me this power bank and oh, that plugs into this output. The dc output, 12 volts 25 amps. Now the problem with this is that it's not 12 volts, it's a sort of engine running 12 volts.

So it's actually 13 and a half volts and the ant miner voltage specification is generally just marked as 11 to 13.. So it's not very precise um, so will 13 and a half volts do any damage to this i mean it shouldn't, because i get the impression i mean on the controller board: it's mostly going to be 12 volts down to 5. Well, that should handle 13 and a half on the hashing boards. I think it goes lower because i think the the hashing chips take quite a low voltage in order to get the high speed.

I think the hasher. Well, the clock is 500 megahertz. So anyway, i'm going to plug this in to the 13.5 volts, because i'd quite like to run this from this output, like i said, i think it's going to take about 20 amps. So this is ideal 12 volts at 25 and we'll get that started.

We'll try and get that 100 down a bit and then that solar panel will do some work and i'll get some money right. I've got the 12 volt or 13 and a half volt cable. So this is just being used as a connector to convert xt60 into. Oh no, what are these called? There's some sort of molex? I think it's, the pcie uh high current 12 volt connector, that's connected into the output of this.
I've got some ethernet on the miner. I'm just going to switch this on dc on away goes the miner. So that'll do its boot up, which is a pretty noisy affair. So i'll come back after that's done, uh! That's it during its test phase.

So that's about the noisiest. It gets this one's actually quite quiet once it settles down right. That's um running at it! Sort of cool speed, as that warms up the fan will increase in speed a little bit, but not hugely so, as you can see, um bottom left where it says dc load, it's drawing 240 watts at um. Well, i think it's about 30 and a half volts.

So you can do the maths, as i remember it. In fact, we can have a look data, uh, inverter and charges dc output missed. This is a resistive. Oh, this is bad.

It's a resistive touch screen hold on inverter and charger dc output, so there it is 13.4 volts, uh, 240 watts and the current is around 18 amps and you can see that it's indicating that on that output, the 12 volt 25 volts output. But it is a bit high 13.4 volts, but this should get the state of charge, which i don't think is on this screen. Let's go back, we should get that to go now down below 100 and then it should start pulling in some charge from the solar panel, because that's still connected right. The power bank is down to 98 uh, there's 240 watts going into the miner there's 91 watts coming in from the solar panel outside that's a bit disappointing, uh, it's mid-afternoon! It's a 240 watt panel, but yeah only 91 watts right.

I have done a bit of mining this morning, but only two us cents, so we'll start it at us cents um and yes, i suppose the thing i want to do is to run this down. Wait till the sun sets and then run this all the way down. I don't know how long that'll take and just see how much money i can get with a bit of sunshine coming in and then using up all the energy that this is collected. I think, throughout yesterday um by dumping that energy into the miner, because there's nowhere else to put it in the summer.

This is a constant problem. You fill up all your batteries and then there's nowhere to put the surplus energy so having a minor connected to the system, and particularly it was automated. So that could come on when the power bank is full. It would automatically shut off when the power bank is empty because they tend to switch their outputs off when they're empty.

That would be a nice little system now. Why are we only getting a hundred watts from that 240 watt panel? Uh, let's go and take a look at that uh! There's the sun, i'm filming through a welding glass, i'm not sure what that's going to come out like. I don't really want to point my camera at the sun, but it looks like full sun. It might be a bit hazy, i suppose, and the sun's pretty much on axis to the panel.
As you can see from the shadows there yeah it's rather disappointing that we're only getting 100 watts well, the numbers on the solar panel are 31.6 volts, 2.7 amps, 88 watts. Those are those numbers and up here. The solar goes through this watt. Meter.

31.1 volts 3.3. Amps, there's a bit more current shown here. Uh. Of course, there may be losses in all these cables.

It's quite a long, cable running down here and into the power bank so yeah. Maybe there are some losses there, 90 watts um. This here is saying that it's done two u.s cents now that says that that has cost seven u.s cents, but that means in domestic rate, electricity. Now, of course, the power bank was filled with solar and it's currently being uh topped up with solar.

So you can ignore the seven sense of domestic rate electricity, but you can see that this ant miner on domestic rate, electricity, would actually make a loss. But i was just waiting to see if i could see if that will go up to across the threshold to three cents, because it only shows it in whole sense on this mining pool. The z9 mini is not the most productive ant miner by modern standards. It's pretty pathetic really, but it's the one, the smallest one, that i've got it's the one that uses the least uh current or power, which is why i can put it on the effectively 300 watt 12 volt dc output on this power bank and drive it from 12 volts dc, i'm not having to step it up to mains and then step it back down to 12 volts.

It's dc all the way. There is, of course, um a dc to dc converter in this unit because if we look at the battery bms, it's actually 14 lithium ion cells in series. So it's a sort of 58 volt, actually what's 14 times 3.7 can't work it out in my head. But it's a 50 something volt pack that of course, is being dc to dc, converted down to 12 volts or 13 and a half and that's going to the miner uh 25 watts on the solar.

What's that all about oh yeah! That's all about that stuff, which we get a lot of in this neck of the woods right. So i'm gon na have to leave this thing now, so i need to go get the key for this padlock um. This is a disc, detainer padlock. Of course, no one would be daft enough to use a tumbler padlock.

The disc detainers are much harder to pick so i'll go and find the keys for that. I've just noticed that this cable is really quite warm. I mean kind of 30 degrees, warm yeah, that's pretty toasty, really for a cable um. This interconnecting board no temperature rise on that.

So my soldering's good um. What are the numbers now 116 from solar, 250 or 240 still going to the miner, and we got threatens a little mess in here: lots of boxes vocoder up there, i'm going to have to do a tour of my workshop one of these days, but it's now Big enough that i can store all my rubbish out here and anything valuable and i've got a feeling, this power bank's about two grands worth uh, lock it down just uh as an anti-opportunist thing shouldn't be necessary. I try not to keep anything super valuable in here. It's uh mostly stuff that no one would really want, but here are some general shots inside my workshop, that's the central column that holds the roof up in the middle.
Oh, there are my lights, i'm bored now, so i'm just sticking pieces of paper in front of the fan to block the airflow and see if this thing realizes it's getting hot and makes the fan go faster, i'll, come back when it changes pitch. Oh, it just has and again yeah it's a bit stupid this, so perhaps i'll take that off because actually, with the fan running faster, of course, it's going to draw a little bit more power. Just thought. I'd show my coin allocations.

Um, i'm mining the script algorithm, which is strictly speaking, litecoin and dogecoin, but i get pro hashing to send me. Ethereum, bitcoin or nine satoshi's of it dogecoin litecoin digibyte, which is actually my favorite. I think going forwards are probably only mine. Did you buy because it's very transportable the fees for transporting it from one place to another are very cheap, bitcoin cash, z, cash and dash.

So it's sending me microscopic amounts of all of those, let's scroll up and see what that is in money and it's five u.s cents. So i think what i'm going to do now is leave this here with the laptop and the power bank and the miner down there. Uh i'll go inside now and start editing this video and then i'll come back later when the sun's long since gone down, and we can see how much it earned emptying this power bank, which i think is about uh 1350 watt hours. I think i measured that at so uh see you a bit later now.

Look at this, someone felt so sorry for me after my feral crimping video, that he sent me a gift, a gift note from anthony ripon. So thank you anthony for sending me this. I don't know how you send people stuff on amazon, but this is a crimping tool which appears to have a four-way crimp eye and then there's a whole load of uh ferals in there shall we have a quick look receiver? Doesn't that mean thank you or something? In russian, probably not that's me being stupid, oh that's! Quite nice, isn't it there's the um box of feral? So let's get that out lots of different feral types in there and more of the smaller ones. So these blues might actually be better for the 2.5 millimeter squared wire that i was crimping ferrules onto and then this thing which opens up into a square and then, as you crimp it that closes up.

So it's going to force it. I presume into basically a square shape, which seems quite sensible, actually that's kind of latching. So that's rather nice isn't it. Thank you very much anthony rippen, okay, it's now, oh around 6 p.m, and the battery is down to 58 uh.
There's no more solar power to be had, the miner is still wearing away merrily and the cash is now at 10 u.s cents uh, so we could be expecting probably around 18 or something like that by the time this thing's com fully depleted. It's now just after 7 p.m. There's 40 percent battery remaining and the miner has mined 12 cents. It's now quarter past eight and there's 22 battery left and we've done 15 u.s cents right.

This is the last visit i'm gon na make to the shed tonight. It's coming up to nine o'clock 11 left on the battery, but i will run that right down to nothing and 16 cents uh in cryptocurrency. So i'll do a final update on my pc in the office once i can no longer communicate with the miner and finally, the miner has gone off line. I can't talk to that.

Let's check the mining pool and the final amount is only 17 cents. So really, if this is going to be a serious uh thing, then it all needs to be scaled up. Quite massively cheerio.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

9 thoughts on “Mining using Solar Energy”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars SidneyCritic ComedyHound says:

    Padlocks don't do much thesedays unless they are protected, because crooks carry bolt cutters. And the quickest way is not to cut the padlock, but cut the loop it is hooked on to. That's why they box padlocks with steel plates on doors, ie, you can't get to the softer loop. You can break most exposed padlocks by putting a large shifting spammer on them and twisting until the loop breaks, it's quick and quiet. I'm guessing the cable can be easily cut also.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ian Harvey says:

    The cost of infrastructure vs money earned is not sustainable, also as you know each time you cycle the battery will decrease its life span, so then you have a point when the cells are only 50% good earning you less and the cost of replacing the cells in the next few years will most likely be going up..
    I have solar charging SLA and then charging at a lower current, I use it for 12v lighting throughout the property, I also charge my phone off it too, its great for if there was any power outages

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike's Garage says:

    The cost of battery maintenance and replacement will not be offset by the income from mining. This is an experiment of hoppy, not really a money making solution.. Now if you used capacitors for storage, and had a circuit to start and stop the miner, you "could" make money using all solid state components, assuming you already own all the equipment..

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sibat 777 says:

    Hi Julian very interested in this. On the scaling idea I’ve been thinking about taking a large house off grid by massively over deploying large solar to get power year round (also massive batteries). It occurred to me that if you had an underground heat battery you could utilise the heat from the miners for heating and hot water. Ignoring the massive up front cost for the moment I love the idea of being paid to heat my home🤪👍😜

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 50 shades of the dominator says:

    crypto mining is so worthless today, it's worth nearly nothing. You would be better off just having a small computer out in your shed run by that power bank, and having the computer run as a VPN server, obviously you can't split your home connection too many times because it likely isn't a high bitrate to split, but you could at least have the server in your shed probably run 4 VPN connections, and there would be enough leftover bitrate for you to still use your home computer as well. You could make a basic website and only charge the 4 members around 8 dollars a month, this would make it cheaper than nordvpn and the rest. You will only make 32 dollars in the month, sure, but that's way better than making only 5 dollars (which your current setup would only make like 5 dollars in the month).

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars IanScottJohnston says:

    Great to see more of your mining operations Julian.
    I built a PC based miner (6 nvidia GPU's) and had the mining app on it stop or start depending on whether my house solar panels were delivering enough power or not. I also used the miner as a heater for my workshop and if it got too hot it stopped the mining also. Used it for a couple years.
    I wrote my own app to control it all, it sent keystrokes to the mining app to do the stop/start and tied into my solar inverter via ethernet.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mickey Filmer says:

    I am rather surprised that you haven't rigged up an alarm system- that's going to be my first priority knowing how much stuff I will be putrting in my new shed (once they have eventually delivered it and ercted it) I have got an few Ideas on how to do mine, with arduinos and lots of sensors, as I live on a rather crime ridden estate.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars KillaBitz says:

    you should time how long a full battery will mine for then just have it switching on with a timer that long before mid morning so or however your solar peaks.
    if you can time it right and your solar output is right it'll run the battery down then bring it back up as it mines then run it back down.
    The next day it won't mine as long but at least your using it all.
    (unless you turn it off early or something)

    my system comes on to drain the batteries at 9am so that by 11am it's drained enough to cope if i didn't have a load (but i have a 700w load with a transfer switch anyway)
    i mine eth and chia with my system, its 1300w of solar in a little garden with 10 deep cycle batteries.
    I had to solve this after i had a charge controller randomly decide it wasn't 12v any more and it was now going to try and hit 24v while i was at work, that killed an inverter.
    Now i have a voltage sense circuit with a relay disconnect among other improvements like switching to 24v but i still discharge on a timer just so i never boil over again.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lari Fari says:

    Hmm, not sure, if this is a good idea, to run the battery flat every day….thats a lot of charging cycles and it oldens the battery quickly. I am not into this mining stuff, but i think, you are not nearly getting the money back, to buy a new lipo batterie. I am living on a houseboat for 13 years now…Off grid with solar an lead acid batterys. In summer, when the batts are full, a arduino controller switches on the refigerator permanently…so it drawas permanently current from the batterys and stores the energy in form of ice. After sunset,(12,8 Volt) the thing goes back in "normal" thermostate mode. This means, it kicks in way after midnight, because the temperature was getting so low inside the fridge during the day…so no full cycle on the battery and still some energy stored…It was a plausible way, for me, to do energy storing on such a small space. (27m²).

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