The electronic components found inside an $8 wireless microphone set.

Good morning All in a recent post bag video I showed this wireless microphone. It's actually two microphones and a little receiver which plugs into your phone. but unfortunately I bought the wrong one and I bought lightning connector which is no good because that's for Apple and my phone is USBC So I thought in this video I'd just take them apart because, well, why not? Let's see what's inside. I'm going to peel these funny bits of blue tape off.

They're sort of hinting at quality because this thing, you know, like a phone. it has shiny surfaces which you don't want to get scratched or fingerprints on. but I don't think these do anything. I think they're just gratuitous shiny surfaces.

Uh, okay, so how to break this apart? I could try this blade. Um, this was really cheap. This whole set was like eight dollars. so I've really not got a problem taking it apart.

Oh, I'll just get a screwdriver and let's give it a good crack and hope to get the thing apart now. there's no battery in this one, of course, because this is powered by the phone. What this does have though, is a side socket. and I think the idea is that you can leave this plugged into your phone at all times.

and if you want to charge your phone, you can come into that side socket. So that's presumably lightning as well. And there are a couple of chips on here. Uh, there should be some Rfe kind of stuff, so let's have a closer look.

So here's the receiver and we've got a main chip there. I'll try and get the number off that, but it looks like BP 156 something. It has a crystal or what's that? 24 megahertz is that? and the little white square item at the bottom I'm pretty sure is some sort of antenna. Um, because there's a capacitor to ground on the right of it.

There's two inputs to the left, although one is tied to a large copper area which might also be ground I think that might be ground and then the signal comes in. Uh, sort of here through this network of resistors and capacitors. And yeah, it goes to that tennis antenna. So that's a sort of all-inclusive RF chip.

Um, but presumably it also talks uh, digital to the interface there as well. I'll get the number of that and see if there's anything online. there may not be. There's another chip over here, which I'm guessing is some sort of power related chip.

Um, I'll have a look at that as well. but very often with these new type chips. um, nothing can be found. But let's give it a go.

No. I can find nothing on either of these chips. the Bp15698 if you put TKE on it, you get no results and take the TKE off. and you get stuff about blood pressure and building permits.

So no, absolutely nothing on that radio chip. Couldn't find anything on the 3959 eight pin chip either. So we just have to conclude that this is a radio chip. There's the antenna.

There's the I Suppose I should use my pointer for this. Really? Yes, the antenna was this little uh, white box crystal in all-inclusive chip which appears to have tracks running right out to the interface. So um, all the interfacing is included in it and I would imagine this is some sort of power component. but I don't really know it's sitting between the input power socket and the main interface to the phone.
So I think that's all I can conclude from that time now to take one of the microphones apart. once again, a sort of really, rather badly applied peel sheet on a random shiny section. Again, I Just don't think that has any actual purpose. This little LED there.

Um, which, in fact I can turn this thing on, press and hold this button on the back and this thing is flashing red and green. I Suppose what it's trying to do is pair with the receiver there. it presumably will give up at some point, Press and hold that button and it shuts off. Okay, let's see if I can get this open.

There's not much Point Damaging this because when the I've reordered this set with the USBC receiver, when all that stuff arrives. I Imagine the microphones um, are going to be identical because in fact, these even on this, um, lightning set, you charge the microphones with USBC and in the Box there's a little and not very nice looking. Um USB a to USBC converter cable I'll get that out in a moment. But yeah, let's get this apart and look at the PCB in here and also the battery in here because I presume there's going to be a small Lithium battery in here.

And yes, that is a very tiny little lithium cell in there. Can I lift this thing out? Yes, and that's all come out in one piece. Um, okay, so tiny little microphone. Uh, tiny little lithium cell with extremely fine wires I Suppose that's all it needs.

Um, and then on the back is the board. if I press and hold that button. Yes, the LED lights up. Oh, it's two actually separate LEDs Okay, let's get close in on this board and see what.

I'll just switch it off actually. Um, see what chip we've got on there right? This one is a Bp05522. Let's have a closer look at that. see if I can get that number on camera.

It's a bit tricky so the right way up? that might be upside down actually. Um, so the chip appears to be fully self-contained and do everything including the two. LEDs Uh, USBC connector. Yes, I Mean that's just going to be five volts isn't it? Uh, once again, a 24 megahertz Crystal there? uh antenna.

This one has a black stripe on it I'm not entirely sure why the board actually says it's a K1 TX v6a I Suppose I could search for that um, capacitors resistors and that's pretty much it. So everything is self-contained on that chip. It must be a purpose designed, uh wireless microphone chip because of course, it's going to have, um, an analog section for amp amplification for the little, uh, condenser mic there. But yeah, let's look up that chip now.

I Can find absolutely nothing online for either of the two chips or the markings on the Pcbs, both on the transmitter and the receiver. This one is a K1ra V5 I Can find nothing for that, so no, there's absolutely no data for anything. I Didn't look particularly hard for the second chip on this receiver board, the eight pin chip. It might be easier to find, but it doesn't really have a very good marking on it, just these four digits and what appears to be a date code, so there's not much Point looking much further for that.
So um, this is what's inside a wireless microphone now. There's nothing about frequency even though this set actually does have a manual which gives a few sort of hints on connecting it up and what to do on your phone and so on and so forth. But there's nothing on the frequency. So my guess is that it's 2.4 gig so that it uses, um, a license free band essentially same as Wi-Fi Um, no, it's just a very straightforward single chip in.

I Mean It's probably extremely complicated what's in that chip? But in terms of uh, what's on the board? pretty straightforward. tiny little lithium cell. nothing marked on there. I'll just see if I can look underneath and see if there's anything possibly written on the bottom of that.

No, it doesn't look like there's anything printed on the little lithium cell on the listing on AliExpress. It calls this an 800 milliliter cell. Well, it definitely isn't 800 milliliters and I very much doubt that's 800 milliamps. Someone in the comments of the post bag video said 60 milliamp hours, which is probably more accurate.

Not sure where that piece of information came from, but yeah, certainly it's a very tiny battery. In fact, let's just go to AliExpress and have a look at the listing because it's one of these quite long ones with lots of pictures and whatnot. This is the item on AliExpress Um, there's a single microphone. uh, type C Version: These colors are completely arbitrary and mean absolutely nothing.

Um, the one called Purple is, uh, a single microphone, presumably lightning. Then there's a dual microphone. lightning and a dual microphone type C which is the one I Hope is coming. Um I mean incredibly cheap really.

And the Um comments in here say variously. You know, from not very good quality to excellent quality. So we'll see, and in fact, you'll hear the quality. You'll be the first to hear it because um, I'll be using these to make videos because it's just much easier to plug this in the receiver into the phone and then clip this to my lapel.

and as long as this thing's charged up, I Should be able to make the video fairly easily, but there's lots of photographs here. Um, to sort of make out that this thing is of high quality Plug and Play Noise reduction radio I'm sure the radio is fine. Clear sound quality High Sensitivity Outdoor What's the name? Play guitars on the beach type thing. Now there is a expanded diagram of the PCB but it Bears Absolutely no relation to the actual PCB Why they would go to the trouble of Designing this graphic with this huge chip in the middle I Mean where's the crystal? Where's the, where's the antenna? Where are the two? LEDs It's just somebody's just drawn this for what purpose I Don't really know.
And then here's the thing about the battery. Long life, High capacity battery built in 800 milliliter battery, long-term endurance of 10 hours. Well, if you get five hours out of it, derate most of the stuff you get from China at this price range. In any case, uh, by about half five hours would be pretty useful.

Um, yeah, that would be pretty good and then use cases, webcast and online teaching. so a lot of efforts been put into. I Mean they must sell these in colossal quantities. So I suppose it's worth doing all this work.

but uh, yes. Anyway, that's the AliExpress listing. Uh, eight and a half dollars for the Dual microphone and five and three quarter dollars for the uh single microphone. Uh, so often these days you take something apart, you get the chip numbers and there's just absolutely nothing online.

Um I think that didn't go in that side, did it? I think it went in the molding the other side. What have I done with that? Um, so yes, as I say this is to plug into the camera. uh, the phone that's up here that's actually taking this shot at the moment I'm doing this I'm using this headset which I bought from Lidl that's the microphone I'm talking into and I bought it really just for the microphone I don't need the uh, the headphone pieces because I don't listen to stuff back until I get to the editing stage. but uh, it's just inconvenient to be wearing a set of headphones and I think this will be more convenient.

So yeah, since I get the USBC version, uh, you will get to hear what these things sound like. That's it for this video. Cheerio.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

17 thoughts on “What’s in a wireless microphone?”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars K J W says:

    Hope you're paying vat on top 🤣

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Gordon Rogers says:

    Even if the in built in mic is garbage try soldering on a header to see if a better microphone improved things.

    With a bit of missing it could be a cheap wireless adaptor for a desktop mic

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars lmw lmw says:

    If the Chinese say 800 ml ……. it's because it is 80mA…!!! Almost always take one zero out.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Subgunman says:

    Interesting! As for wireless mikes in the states, the FCC has twerked off musicians and theaters. It seems they have re purposed several bands several times. It leaves many with expensive useless wireless systems. Some individuals have even thumbed their noses to the FCC and continue to use the devices until someone complains. Most of the time the frequencies have been reallocated to law enforcement so it’s a big risk.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Fun of world 🌍🌍 says:

    sir,you can build a battery it's can charge my EV car

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Lakshmi Pathi says:

    Excellent explain

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike Barrett says:


  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan White says:

    I definitely would not make the assumption that these work in 2.4GHz band. They often do not and you really need to find out as a lot of these wireless microphone kits that are made in China run on frequencies that are illegal to operate on in the UK, US and Australia ( and maybe other countries too ).
    It would be unusual if they are running on 2.4GHz to be honest, especially with such small cells as the power consumption would be quite high at that frequency compared to lower frequencies.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jeffrey Morris says:

    That's California — gratuitous shiny surfaces.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars UpLateGeek says:

    I'm curious if the audio that comes out of it is stereo with one channel for each microphone, or mono. Mono would probably be a lot more useful since that could be annoying to change it from one audio channel and one silent channel to two duplicate audio channels. I'm also curious if these just act as a generic USB audio input device, so the only difference between them is the connector. In which case you could probably use this with a female lightning to USBee-see passive adapter. At the very least, you should be able to connect the USBee-see one to your computer with an adapter and use it to record your screen capture segments. That might help with not having to yell into the microphone (not to mention having consistent audio quality).

    Speaking of which, my expectations for the audio quality is pretty low. Considering the cheap price, you'd expect 1970s CB radio quality, but hopefully it's not that bad. Let's face it, you're not exactly going to win the Oscar for best voice narration, that's not what we're here for. As long as it's better than telephone call quality, that should be good enough.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Roy Riederer says:

    I bought one of those microphones but the quality of sound was so poor it's only good recording the bases of what you want to say while filming and then dubbing with a high-quality boom mic for final video. I don't know if the internal electronics is the same as I did not take it apart. Also, you can get these mics with many different name brands, but they all look the same. So, are they just labeled differently or do some have better electronics inside? Who knows?

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Vladimir says:

    I cracked upon "gratuitous shiny surfaces" – enough for me to press "Like" 👀

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fumthings says:

    ah, the purpose of the graphic may have been to suggest a display chip as it is underneath the shiny square.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Mattern says:

    Thanks for opening the cases. On the receiving part, there are markings DP and DM, which is USB + and -. You should hook up an old USB cable, and connect it to your computer or your phone. And of course Vcc 5v and GND.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Michael Beeny says:

    I look forward to hearing the audio on these. For my channel I use a lapel wired mic. I cannot tell you have many times I forget to attach it to myself or worse, get up from my bench and drag everything across the room because I forget to unplug it.

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars dogastus says:

    The 8 oin chip might be an Apple certification chip. Apple have an MFI scheme – Made for Iphone, not the furniture place! There is then some negotiation for the peripheral device to get permission from the Apple device to make a connection.

  17. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Green Dragon Maker Space says:

    Is the smaller chip a USB PD negotiator?

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