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By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

16 thoughts on “180w electronic dc load is a fun gadget”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rilo's Videos says:

    Nice review! I have a similar one with this one-click-button mode – its really a pain in the ass! To figure out how to adjust values downwards was a nightmare. And its beeping all the time when you hit any limit before or after connecting the power source to measure.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john shaw says:

    Can it do 4 wire measurements?

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tasmedic says:

    Hi Julian

    "a whole nother" only seems to sound right to me, when you use "aks" or "axe" instead of "ask", at some point during your video
    Maybe try it out next time. Gangsta!

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Skysurfer says:

    That one button being intuitive? Many thanks for showing how to actually change those values. I find it damned frustrating. The WORST interface ever!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Krell says:

    That's not a UK seller … they're based in China … always click on the sellers name to get the correct information … I find a lot of people don't do that … the seller's can put what they want, as the Item Location (on the item page) … but then it comes to their profile page, it has to have the proper location … in this case China … there's even a Chinese address at the bottom of the page …

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jerry Ericsson says:

    Last winter, I sold mom's house. It was a nice little house, she had it built for her by a local contractor about 40 years ago, now she resides in the nursing home and shall never be on her own again, really a good thing over all, at 95 years of age, she just can't care for herself any more. At any rate, she saw this coming over 18 years ago, and transfered ownership of her home to my two sisters and I. Life does go on you know and before you knew it, both my sisters passed away from Cancer, my wife followed a few months later, again Cancer, damn that blasted desease, I never knew a man could hurt so baddly just by the emotion of loosing your family members like that, especially my lovely wife, we had just celebrated our 51st aniversary, well if you can call sharing some watermellon and ice cream in her hospital room a celebration, I did buy her some roses, and brought her the golden rose I purchased for her on our 50th, in fact I burried the rose in her hand. 4 days following our celebration she went to be with our lord and the greatest pain ever experienced by an old man hit me dead in my chest. That was last August and with the help of the many drugs my doctor has been pushing on me, I have sort of come to terms with the great loss. Thankfully our youngest daughter, who had been living with us, helping me care for my wife as the cancer ate away at her stomach and liver stayed with me after my wife's passing, and is caring for the old man now. At any rate, getting back to the gest of the comment, the money from mom's house was to be split with we children, there was a stipulation that should one of us die, the money would pass on to our kids, so when the house sold, because of some complications, the money was split between me and my youngest sisters kids. My eldest sister had relinquished her interest when the cancer that was eating away at her brain was going to send her to a nursing home, this to protect the funds from being taken by the State, the same reason mom passed on the house to us. So the money is in my bank account, well half of it, and has been there for several months left untouched until we could determine the tax problems, that has been sort of taken care of now, and it appears each of we who got our half's need to send a check to the other sisters eldest child and this will indeed free up our money to be spent. Now my daughter has been put on my bank account since she is paying all my bills from my bank account, and doing the grocery shopping and so forth. In fact after suffering a nasty fall last week, she went to the furniture store here in town and got me a new recliner so I should not fall again, as this one helps me getting out of the damn thing. So now I sit here with an extra few thousand bucks in my bank account, surprising to me, the bills that my wife had on her credit cards went away when her heart stopped and unless I have the courts intervene the bills will never come due to me. This helps me a LOT since we were living on our combined social security checks and my check from Workers Comp, who cut it in half a few years back telling me that I was now retired thus the pay cut. My mind is not what it once was, and I have lost my train of thought. I believe I was going to comment on that soldering iron you picked up several years ago, you see I decided to unleash a few bucks and resupply my collection of electronic parts as I still experiment and build projects, just to take my mind off my losses, and keep myself from inflecting grievous wounds to my head with my old duty pistol, a neat little .45 ACP built on a design from Mr. Browning in around 1911, well that's when it was accepted by the US Army, of course the actual design goes back to the early 1900's, I believe it all began around 1903 I have seen some that were called the Model 1905 and others dispersed in that year range. So I wanted to know if you still love that iron? I did buy a couple cheap ones made on the back of vaping devices and they work fine for an occasional speaker wire repair or something quick like that however their battery's don't hold much charge and if you do more then 10 or so joints you are out of snuff, and since the soldering head must be removed for the device to receive a charge. Not good for a fellow who wants to build a kit or recap a radio. I ordered the iron, a charger, the one tip and the other accessories that come with it. Not much considering the price of 75 us bucks. I looked at the case and extra tips, another hundred bucks once youget shipping involved and such. Now surely I do have the funds now, and at 70 years of age, I don't know how much longer I shall walk the face of this big blue marble, I hope a few more years at least, I have a couple of grand sons who I care for a LOT and I want to see how they do after college. One of the boys, the eldest is a genius, no question although he does have a bit of a problem that comes with the blessing. The other, youngest is going to be a football star, at least in college. He wants to follow in my footsteps and become a police officer. Now that makes me proud as HELL, but in today's world, the life of a cop will not be a happy one, in fact if I were still on the job, I would be looking at other options. At any rate thanks for the wonderful videos, I am afraid I have let my following your channel drop for many months as the darkness eclipsed my very soul but I think enough time has passed where I can once again get back on the electronics pathway and once again return to my favorite pastime, building crap! Oh, sorry for the small book of a post, it is just that I get so Damn lonely sitting here, day after day, week after week, looking out our window and dreaming of the happy days before the cancer. Thankfully we did fulfill one of our dreams and got a second hand motor home, we took it South and enjoyed 4 winters in the Arizona/California/Nevada/Utah area seeing the wonderful sights and meeting great people who live the nomadic lifestyle. I shall miss that. The motor home sits in the back yard wasting away. I owe the bank more then the blasted thing is worth and I don't see me ever getting in it and driving south once again,. Nice dream but without my wonderful wife in the co-pilot seat, it's just not the same, you see my biggest thrill was watching the wonder in her eyes as we looked down into the Grand Canyon and other wonders of that area, as we walked through the desert, and took a trip to the London Bridge to eat Fish and Chips on the shore of the Colorado river as cars passed overhead on the old bridge.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ray Kent says:

    But why go to the expense of two pots when you could require the user to tap in the binary values they want?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PhoneVideos says:

    You might want to get a few spare mosfets and the cooling isnt enough, got one of these and kill the mosfets @ all voltages over long test periods i.e many hours, often at 50% of its so called load capacity.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars mdesm2005 says:

    The load doesn't "apply" amps, it allows amps to flow, by lowering it's resistance. The battery provides that amps.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TaliaKuznetsova says:

    It's literally a evo 212 cooler on it.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Allen says:

    I realize that they're building to a price here, but these appear to be using a standardized cooler footprint (no idea which) and they should have also installed the under-board brace that is typically used with such coolers. This PCB or some strategically located components may eventually fail from the strain.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Rob Allen says:

    These will often just beep when triggered by the under-voltage alarm while the load continues to run, but these products are only useful for me if the alarm also turns off the load. I'd appreciate it if you could test the under-voltage alarm functionality in the next video, but thank you for the review regardless.

    Interesting to see how the manufacturers have pushed this design to higher and higher wattage mainly by upgrading the cooler size. I don't much like the interface, , but it's tolerable considering the wattage and price. As many of the "digital" Chinese interfaces with 2-3 buttons are horrible, at least this one is somewhat intuitive. The apparent lack of button debouncing is unforgivable, however, and may require a mod to preserve the user's sanity.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Steve Tobias says:

    I have one of those, got it cheaper on AliExpress. After testing a lot of batteries, it is crap, not accurate at all. Also turning off the backlight can be a pain to turn back on.
    Anything over 1 amp is extremely inaccurate.

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sod Almighty says:

    So, let's summarise:

    – Costs over 40 quid
    – Included PSU blows up when you plug it in
    – Rear USB port requires more voltage than USB provides
    – Fan comes on when totally unnecessary
    – Fan has annoying green lights that serve no purpose
    – "DIY 300W" only applies in very limited circumstances
    – Specifications of unit disagree with those published on the seller's Ebay page

    Sounds awesome. I'll take four.

  15. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tzok83 says:

    It's not only a buzzer, but it should cut off the load when exceeding any of the set thresholds. My does a short circuit instead, and blows the main transistor :/

  16. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sod Almighty says:

    I have a question. Isn't it really goddamn stupid to have a USB power port that expects 6-12V? I don't know about you, but all my MicroUSB cables connect to 5V supplies…

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