What more fun could you have on a Sunday afternoon than messing about with electronic flashing lights? I'm playing with a 2-transistor astable multivibrator, 555 timer circuits with LEDs and PIC and AVR (Arduino) microcontrollers.
Good morning all…
Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado
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2014 arduino should have been an addressable LED or at least RGB led.
Julian is the winner. Solar Power on, my friend.
Thanks very much. .tremandous vedio
Sir how can i blink my 1watt led ,plz explain me
Just remember according to Pick 2 Rule, Good & Cheap must have SLOW delivery. 😂
but what about power?
When you have two things, its "which is better?", not "best".
You missed the Flashing LED no extra components needed. Alway good to look in and see what you are playing with.