Can you have an N channel MOSFET in the high side of the circuit. Yes, but there are issues!
Good morning all…
Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado
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Not the hero we deserve but the hero we need
It would help to include the simple schematic on the corner of the screen as this make it easier to imagine.
how we know capacitor value ?
This man addresses the capacitance issue that, I think, no other YouTubers mentions! So now I know that capacitance of a discrete capacitor needs to be AT LEAST 2000 times bigger than that of integrated/body capacitance of MOSFET.
Can you please also show the schematic, connections aren't really clear ?
OMG, thank you! I was turning crazy all day trying to undesrtand trully a mosfet on its different configurations. Finally some wonderfull person explains it with clarity and in a practical manner. Thank you again. ๐
thanks for the explanation.i have two n channel mosfets and want to control the high side of a circuit with one or if needed both of them with a signal of an arduino which can output 3V. Drain to source voltage is 5 volts. How could i make an arrangement of mosfets to achieve this?
please, i'm trying to understand this. I want lamp always on and off only when triggered by io
If anyone could test this app i'd be grateful! Locate androidcircuitsolver on google
Perhaps include a circuit diagram at some point to show what you describe?
Very helpful for my project.. Thank you.
The origin of the bootstrap circuit has its real meaning when there was a young very tired boy who wanted to go upstairs to his room to sleep and he told his mother that what he was going to do to avoid climbing the stairs was to put on his boots and then pull the boot laces up with his hands as hard as he could to lift himself up.
A circuit diagram would have been very helpful. There is a very interesting bootstrap circuit where the low side MOSFET is used with the high side MOSFET to make a half bridge and the low side MOSFET acts as a two role unit, providing the power output and also the bootstrap control system. Bootstrapping is a logic that most young people should learn about. It is a philosophy that can be put into real practice ………..that of lifting oneself by the laces on his boots!
This was best video I saw on this topic
Thank you