Teardown of a COB LED keychain light.

Good morning or afternoon. all? Um, it might be post bag I don't know yet. I Haven't decided this could be a post bag video? It's certainly an unbagging. Okay, let's unbag and see what we've got.

Well, it's this. It's Cobb rechargeable keychain light. Now you may have seen these um on YouTube adverts. You know the type that's a a retired jet engineer has taken the flashlight industry by storm.

Oh, that's a USB a to USB C cable. but it's microscopically thin. That's gonna be the worst one I've ever seen. And there's the torch.

A College Dropout has revolutionized the UK flashlight industry. This 20 pound flashlight which you can actually get on AliExpress for four dollars is taking the UK by storm. Okay, let's try it out. Maybe not directly into the lens.

Oh yeah, that's quite bright. Dim setting. Uh, this is going to be SOS or something isn't it? So strobe alert? No on dim. Oh yeah, strobe and off.

So my intention. Um, because I don't really need a keyring flashlight actually I have a key ring flashlight. um is to take this apart and see what's inside. This switching and flashing would imply a microcontroller, so maybe we'll find one.

Oh now I should mention I've got a new camera. Um, well, it's a phone. It's a Motorola g31 so it might sound a bit different. I've got a feeling it's stereo so if I come over here, that's left for me, That's right.

Um, I don't know whether that's going to be the right way around. but yeah, let me know what. Um, if anything is different about the picture quality and or the sound, uh, just a little look around the outside of this thing. they've packed in the features.

Uh, we've got a magnet there. Yes, Cr2032s are magnetic. Uh, Carabiner style link for your key ring that's a bottle opener. There's the USBC port cover.

USB C Nice to see that there's the switch for the functions and that's actually a thread for mounting on a tripod. Uh, oh, so there's this. There's a little stand for sitting it on your desk. Yeah, they've really packed in the features I Quite like that.

Now, how easily will this come apart? It looks to me like that front bezel should come apart. I can see a tiny little Gap in there. see if I can get that on camera. It's hard to focus on it, but there's a tiny little Gap there so that should ping off and then we can see what's inside.

But I think first. what I'll do is I'll do a screen grab of the AliExpress listing. um, from which I bought this so this is the item on AliExpress I Have to raise my voice a little bit when doing screen grabs because I've noticed the levels aren't quite the same and I try to manually match them. but anyway, that's irrelevant.

Um, 20 pieces of a mini lead working light, portable pocket flashlight, and all the rest. USB Uh yeah. Four dollars and a penny. Now of course you don't have to buy 20 pieces.

You can buy one piece. Oh, does that show with the lid off? Uh I Don't know. Um, so yes, now these came from LED Solar Lighting Store and I will put a link in the description. Uh, so that you can go to this item on AliExpress Oh, this one was free shipping.
Actually, that's quite cheap because these days. um, both eBay and AliExpress are charging vat at Source so you pay it up front. Um, postage is rarely free on these things, so that's not too bad is it? Well, now, I've just edited. um, the first shots of this video and the screen grab and the Audio Level from the camera is very low.

Very low. worryingly low. Um, so I don't quite know what I'm going to do about that. I might have to raise the levels in the editor, but I've never had to do that before.

And really, I don't want to be messing around with audio levels in the edit because that just makes editing a tiresome process, right? Let's see if I can ping off this uh front bezel I Don't want to break the blade in the process and have bits of blade fly across the room, but that does seem to be coming off. It also looks like the back module also comes away from this metal frame, so I might play with that too. Just have a play with this off camera I Think oh yes, this is coming apart. Um, I've managed to get two corners.

Oh, why isn't that? Yeah to crack off. Oh, that looks like it might be a third one. And there it is. now.

will it all come out? Okay, we've got a carb. We've got a lithium cell as one might expect, and we've got a circuit board right at the bottom. Well, it looks to me like this is going to push out of the frame, so that's got it out of the frame. Now, how do I get all of this stuff out of this little plastic container? So Cobb LED Lithium Cell: No markings on the lithium cell, so it doesn't give an indication of its capacity, but you can probably guess from its size.

Uh, and I've got to think about how to get that PCB out. It's really the most basic of separations between what potentially could get become a very hot cob LED and the lithium cell. and it's just this sort of two millimeter thick piece of foam rubber, not heat transmissive we would hope. Um, there's a little subframe in here and I think that's going to have to come out I Don't quite know how it comes out.

Oh, it comes out like that. Um, for the PCB to come out. so I'll keep working on that. Okay, that's out.

Um, there's very little on here. This is a single sided. PCB Uh, let's get the camera down a bit and get in a bit closer. Oh, how do you refocus on this camera? Do you touch to focus? Clearly not I wonder if there's a macro mode? Yes, there is a macro mode and there's also touch to focus.

If I touch that, it should focus. Oh, did it I don't know. Okay, so USB uh. connector here: 5 volts and zero volts.

Got two lights for presumably charging and charged. Green is charged micro controller we assume capacitor across that. Now there are two transistors. I'm guessing one will be the driver for the LED Is this in focus? It's very sharp the image.
and then when I start the camera, it sort of goes. not very sharp. It's odd. Um, so yeah.

one mosfet, presumably to drive the cob. LED Now that's on that lighter blue wire. So yeah, we've got a one r0 so is that one? Ohm yes. I assume that's what that means.

Uh, most of it. So almost certainly a chip here. I'll see if I see if there's a marking on that. Well, now, both these mosfets are marked y1 so I'll have a look in a little minute what that is.

But yeah, they're both the same. So you've got a mosfet. they're driving the Cobb LED There's also a mosfet somehow between the incoming 5 volts and the microcontroller. and it's just got a 101 resistor.

so 100 ohm resistor. So I'm not entirely sure what that's doing. Um, that can't be acting as a regulator. Yeah, so this must be a 5 volt microcontroller.

I'm just not entirely sure why that mosfet's there. but um I'll have a look at what the connections of this thing are next. So let's look up y1 Mosfet. Well, that's interesting.

Most of the results for Y1 Sort 23 are coming up as this being an Npn transistor. um, an 8050 transistor. which I suppose it could be um I Would have thought it would dissipate a fair amount of uh Power though if it's an Npn transistor. I Guess this makes more sense as an Npn transistor between the 5 volts and the microcontroller.

but uh, yeah, almost always you have a mosfet there if you're driving a fairly heavy load. but possibly not here. Um, this microcontroller chip has absolutely no markings on it whatsoever, so we'll just call it a generic 8-pin microcontroller. You can see that, um, the function switch goes in as an input.

We've got two outputs coming out to two LEDs power and ground. and then there's another output going out to drive this transistor, which switches on the LED So there's very little complexity here. but of course, the microcontroller has the Pwm function for the dim brightness and also the slow Pwm or just LED flashing for the flashing mode. And of course it does the sequencing the four states of the switch off bright medium and flashing so it has to handle all of that functionality.

Um. Also I wonder if it's involved in charging of the battery? Um, is it actually able to see the battery voltage? Or is that no that has to be within this chip? I Mean it's possible this is an Asic an application specific chip that's been designed to do this job and it's sort of parked microcontroller and part application specific stuff including battery management stuff. Interesting. Can't be sure which it is now.

I could draw a schematic of this, it hardly seems. uh, worthwhile touch to focus. Does that actually do anything? Possibly, Um, because it is so simple and we don't really know what's in the microcontroller or Black Box chip here? Um, so I don't think I'll bother. I'm just going to try and put this back in its box because uh, having things with lithium cells and wires dangling and exposed connections is probably not a good idea.
So I'll see if I can cram it all back into the case. Well, the front was glued on and now it's not really attached very well at all. but that's good enough to put it in a box somewhere and forget about it. So that's what's inside.

A four dollar now might have been more than four dollars because once you add that there was no postage, but once you add that it's going to be a bit more. I Think the prices are the show up as that exclusive because of course therefore, uh, different parts of the world. um, but certainly not A 20 pound flashlight is taking the UK by storm. None of that nonsense.

that's what's in one of these uh Carabiner style keyring torches. Cheerio!.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

14 thoughts on “Cob rechargeable usb led keychain light”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Franko Walker says:

    I like the case design of that torch.

    The picture is slightly darker than ususal and the audio is quieter and mono. 🙂

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Johnson says:

    Picture is good, stereo is good, just a bit too quiet.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Phakalane p says:

    Please check your price 4 X led = £5.22 what ali does is show the largest amount you can get BUT shows the least amount of cost

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan White says:

    Your manual level adjustment was a fail to be honest. Your voice on the screen captures was a fair bit louder than the camera level. It didn't make it unwatchable, but it did make it seem like you were shouting during screen grabs. Picture quality is pretty good though. Maybe an external microphone would work?

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars 2000jago says:

    You're now too loud on the screen grab section.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars LeoDJ says:

    And of course they forgot the USB-C CC resistors again… (the two remaining unconnected pins on the USB-C socket)
    So it won't charge on a real USB-C power supply.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars electromaniacal says:

    Julian… now in stereo!

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan King says:

    Generic bicycle light control chip

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravenbar's Repairs says:

    Looks more useful than the one my mother bought in bulk for xmas(multiple years x everyone), if only as its got a build in magnet an carabiner rather than just a chain/keyring.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Scott Tuttle says:

    uh oh, expect a visit from big clive. you're on his territory now.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Shaun Tremayne says:

    I bought them from AliExpress 8 for £12
    Found really useful and works really well. Also the interesting thing is the light dims over time which resets on switching off and on. Presumably for heat.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clive Flint says:

    Have you played with electronic shelf labels at all? I was thinking of getting some to label boxes with their contents that can be updated via nfc or bluetooth.
    Might be an interesting project.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars outaspaceman says:

    Saw them for £1 on Wish, but shipping kills it..

  14. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Bananaworld says:

    Thanks for taking these things apart so we don't even have to buy them 😀

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