Visiting an Osprey charging hub with Kempower chargers at the Paisley Pear pub in Brackley

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

13 thoughts on “Ev charging – 1/kwh at the paisley pear”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Brendan White says:

    It looks like the old machine charges to the nerest 0.10 where the new machines seem to round up to the nearest 1.00 Sneaky way for them to make more money.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars fremeaner says:

    1 pound per kWh or part there of is a bit of a rip

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars geonerd says:

    With the pound and dollar fairly close, I pay around 22 cents / pence for a KWH at home in Arizona. Even if UK energy is a bit more, how the hell do they justify this sort of price?

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tony griffiths says:

    people will be kicking off this winter when petrol is much cheaper than the rip off car charger port, these virtue signaling rich people with electric cars will find out its a rich mans hobby, owning a Tesla, or EPV, good luck, were all gona die soon anyway.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars tony griffiths says:

    what a ball ache

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Leigh Robinson says:

    Holy shit. Last time I used an Osprey it was 40 odd pence. I knew they hiked a few times during the summer; but jumping to an even £1 is just bonkers. Ionity and Instavolt will be price matching any day now in a race to be the "premium" charger /spew

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars MrGeekGamer says:

    I was recently in the UK and checked out the prices on a 50kW charger – 69p per kWh. My car has a 78 kWh battery and a range of about 300 miles… a very expensive refuel.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jlucasound says:

    Hi Julian!! 😀🌩

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Hacho Gonzalez says:

    A small price tl save the enviroment

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Mike says:

    So, you know that the day our cars tip over the bias to electric that the price will rocket. Our economic system is broken. We let the oiks trade our lives on the mythical markets for fun and profit . There is no energy shortage, just a hoard of greedy opportunists that are being bouyed up by our conservative “leaders”. It does not matter when ‘distance anxiety’ is solved because you will have ‘price anxiety’ the very next day! The price to pay for the baby boomers pension pyramid scheme.

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helmuth Schultes says:

    If those prices are to be typical then EV will be a very poor choice in future once as elsewhere the gov adds the road taxes to EV to cover the costs of roads creation and maintenance, now supported by fuel exciise rates..
    Here in Australia the EV will now be charged a per kilometer driven annual fee, to replace the excise of some $0.44 per liter contained in fuel at present abnormally high around $1.80 per liter selling price. Note that excise is NOT proportionate to fuel sellingbprice but fixed to prr liter, so when more normal say $1.00 per liter fuelnprices return if ever, thev%0.44 excise remains to be near half the fuel cost. The intent is for government to get revenue equivalent to money now paid by IC cars and trucks. So EVs will pay their part of roads infrastructure too not get a free ride as present.
    That has not yet paid added cost of adding huge power generation infrastructure costs needed for charging all those EV vehicles. As present power generation is barely meeting normal power demands of homes industry and city structure, the added needs of EV will demand huge investment in new generation and distribution networks that will either be charged to ALL power consumers, very unfair to users without vehicles, making home heating cooking hot water too expensive in future or need to be charged directly to EV users either via charging prices or as most likely additional charges per km driven. For those using own solar power, unfair if driven km charge, but unfair to people without off street charging possibility, only charged in public charging structure. Or needs to be fairly distributed to all EV users whether own power source or public source of charging.
    Whatever the final costs of EV power will soon make IC fuel far cheaper. Of course as IC use decreases fuel supplies will be reduced in volumes and fuels cost will increase in huge ways too as the fuel suppliers will want their profits maintained.
    All transport costs will go up and up, making goods and groceries go up massively and all will soon be straining to pay for life's necessities.
    Nobody wins we all lose.
    These current charging prices are getting ridiculous and yet are only the start of making personal transport impossibly expensive unsupportable for most in longer term.
    EV is looking like a losing prospect in the longer term. Actual cost of EV to the environment is yet to be realised as recycling EV becomes to major problem of the future.
    Current energy cost of manufacturing EVs is never going to be recovered in the entire life of the EVs. The energy of mining refining, processing manufacturing assembly is currently far higher than IC vehicles almost all energy used is from non renewable sources. The power, energy, used by EVs is in majority still for a long time primarily from non renewable power sources. Not even the renewable sources yet create energy return balance over their life, for the materials used to manufacture the Wind generators, steel, copper, concrete, network cabling insulation and solar panels silicon, doping- diffusion, glass, aluminium, copper, steel framing, network cabling, power electronics with own materials.


  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Clinton Coker says:

    That's insanely expensive. Many 50kW chargers in NZ are 25c/kWh and 25c/min – and that's NZ dollars, which are about 50 UK pence per dollar.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Graham Uk says:

    Hey Julian, I’m really enjoying your electric car videos. And I genuinely didn’t think I would. I’m quite skeptical about EVs

    Did you car cost a lot of money? Was it MUCH more than the Petrol/Diesel equiv ?

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