First look at the Sure Electronics DCCP60 High Efficiency LED Driver with 50W high power LED. And immediately there's a problem driving this thing from 12 volts - I can only get 30W out. To run at full power, it needs a 24v input.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

12 thoughts on “First look: 60w high power led driver with pwm control #1”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Party Pillz says:

    Can it be run at the full 50w an cam you show us with a watt meter how many watts the cob is drawing

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OShii Mk says:

    Are there any LED driver that can be dimmable by arduino uno ? … Is 1-10 V can be used with arduino ? What about DIAL ? …. My graduation project is to design smart LED lighting system which depend on the solar energy , It have also number of sensers to detect motion , light , temperature … Can you please help me 😓😓

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars psanyi0042 says:

    I still dont get it, why you cant simply use a MOSFET 😀

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Sci Factorial says:

    I was messing around with my 100W LED and a step up convertor to power it. For PWM I just added a MOSFET to the output and used an arduno to send a PWM signal to the MOSFET so I could adjust the brightness.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Dan Murphy says:

    I'm confused i guess?  Why cant you use a PWM only to drive a LEd chip lets say 100watts.  put LED & a resister in line. Or Variable in line main & turn up PWM dial until proper brightness is achieved?  I'm pissed because I can't find my PWM board to test… UGG!! For some reason this is messing with my over caffeinated head tonight????

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Christo Haz says:

    If all you want to do is vary the brightness of that LED, that boost power supply you show in the video has both adjustable voltage and current output pots, you can adjust those to change the brightness of the LED without using PWM. The LED driver isn't needed, that boost power supply from China easily found on ebay is suitable as an "LED driver" because it has a current limit control, that's all the LED driver does anyway. I have some 100 watt LED's I am driving with that particular boost power supply driver and they require about 30 VDC which it will produce when supplied with 12VDC, but the output from it is limited to about 3 amps when the boost is that high, close to where I wanted to drive the LED at for 100 watts but not quite enough.

    Although not really necessary, as the LED was being driven close to full output at 3 amps, to drive it to a full 100 watts I paralleled the output of two of them together to produce enough current for my 100 watt LED, isolating one of them from the other by running the output through a diode first, then matching the currents by adjusting one of the two power supplies to match. I don't really know if the diode was required to isolate the outputs of the power supplies from one another, but didn't want to take chances and blow my power supplies if they did. The 10 amp (over rated, to keep it cool) silicone diode I used had a voltage drop of about seven tenths of one volt, easy to adjust for by turning the power supply you have its positive lead in series with up that amount more to make up for it, adjusting while under load until the outputs of the two power supplies exactly matched. The easiest way to do so is to measure the current coming from each power supply (prior to where they are paralleled together) and adjust the constant current pot until they match.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars TOMMY HANSSON says:

    12V Input to 50W RGB Led chip driver does not eexist with remote?

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Carlos Chaveznava says:

    JUlian, I need to make a High Power 16W LED with a PWM at 1ms on and 9ms off, I have used the CL6807 1000mA Driver but keeps shuting down the LED. My power supply can provide up to 37V, I only need 15.5 for my LED (KASHINOKI SOGYO Co. 16W24-AB2s Blue LED), and a mbed controller board to send the PWM signal to the CL6807. Do you think this controller might be a better idea for my experiment? Can I wrote you by email?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars NightWolfx03 says:

    So do you like the stuff from Sure Electronics, I have dealt with them a few times and the products don't seem too bad.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars pietkaify says:

    On the subject of LED drivers, I have a 10w 12v floodlight. But it only pulls 3w on the meter! would a driver help?

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Oguz Mazlum says:

    Julian, I want to blink/strobe a 50 Watt led with intervals of 2 sec. Do you need it will need a cooling? I am not going to PWM or use it continuously. Direct drive with the max amp and blink it.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars OverUnityDOTcom says:

    Well done !

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