Hello And now a video where I open my post now what shall I call this post bag? Let's start with this one using scissors today. Why not? Oh, they're not as convenient as a knife are they. and I probably cut something up. Uh oh.

lots of wires. So lots of red wires and one black wire. And this thing in a bag and it is one of these uh, lithium ion cell active balancers and this is the latest. Incarnation And they have a touch switch.

So what do we have on here? Well, the usual array of capacitors, mosfets, more capacitors, more mosfets, more capacitors, a couple of controller chips there are two here. presumably they do two channels each. The touch plate goes to this little six pin device here that then drives this little three pin shot 23 device. And there are a couple of points here which you could put a jumper in I Presume that essentially shorts out two pins of this device.

So is this a touch switch override which I think is important because you don't want this to only work when you touch it, you want it to. Well, I want it to work all the time like the one on my battery in the shed. Must do a Shed update soon. Now there's another pair of pins here, which again, could take a jumper I have no idea what that is for at the moment.

Um, now can I actually power this up? or should I leave that for another video? Maybe I'll look at some chip numbers. Okay, the mosfets are Sm-4377 and those are 30 volt, 50 amp n-channel mosfet. So yes, those 16 items are all mosfets. The touch chip is a 22021 d and if I put 22021d with touch into Google I don't get anything from that, but it's going to be similar to the TTP 223 I think it is uh touch switch chip that mosfet next to it or device next to it I think is a mosfet.

uh I can't get a reflection off there, right? This is an A2shb. um I believe that's an n-channel mosfet. this says C14. The only thing I can find in a C14 slot 23 5 Pin is a single gate um Schmidt trigger I'm not sure whether I've got that right, but I Suppose it's possible that's a Schmidt trigger and these two chips are eg2104m which is a mosfet gate driver IC and there's a data sheet for that on LCSC So this is the item on AliExpress and it's a 4S four cells in series Uh, five amp lithium battery active balance board capacitive Uh, three 3.2 volts.

uh 3.7 volts. so it's good for lithium ion and uh, lithium-ion phosphate. Um, so it's an active balance board. Now interestingly this one.

The photograph doesn't show the little two pin link that shorts out the A2 Shb mosfet. so maybe that was added later. People saying I'd Like a way that I could have this thing on permanently I Assume that's what it's for I don't know yet. Um 8.98 free shipping.

This one was from Daddy's store and there's not much information on it uh here other than what the accuracy is and the equalizing current. now 5 amps will be the absolute maximum. Of course, once it starts to balance, that current will drop fairly rapidly and photos here. but again, that two pin link is not on.
uh, this version of the board and the word touch is in a slightly different place. Uh, yes, that's about all they tell you. So what I'll probably do with this is take off the rear four blocks of four these modules as I called them in my rusend video and build a 4S pack with those and then get this active balancer on there just to see it working. But I think that's beyond the scope of this video? I Think we need to move on to the next post bag item which is this back to yellow envelopes and perhaps I'll use the blade for this one.

I Don't think there's anything up at this end. And in here we have this device which is, um, one of these. Well, you're probably thinking Voltmeter. This one's actually an ammeter.

Actually, No, you're probably thinking ammeter because you've got the high current uh Cable in here as well as the low current cable. What's that red thing? Oh, that's the stripe at the top of the the bag. Um, and this one I think is five digit. Let's get this bag open.

Um. and it also yes, it is five digit. so I think it's fairly accurate and it also I think as far as the I remember measures, uh, negative currents as well as positive current. so it's bi-directional.

Let's have a look at the PCB and there's a nuvoton chip there. Another chip up here, which I can't see the markings on. so I'm guessing the one in the middle there. Let's get a pointer is the microcontroller.

This one up here is possibly a display uh, driver of some sort. the big um, well, copper. It might be a different metal current shunt with a couple of markings in it where it's been slightly compressed to change its resistance. Although actually that's not necessary because there's a an adjustment pot on this one that's almost certainly a regulator.

I think I can see a three three on it, so it's probably 3.3 volt. Um, I can't remember what the input is. Oh 4 to 28. That's quite a wide range and it goes up to 5 amps, which is good.

Okay, let's put a battery on this and get it fired up. I'll just shove this nine volt battery on it just to see if I can get it to light up. Uh yeah, it's upside down so I'll turn it that way up. Let's put that back on there.

And uh yeah, so we've got 0.000 so three decimal places? Uh, so that would be milliamps, wouldn't it? Um, how can I do this slightly more permanently? I've got this. Let's try that. uh, 12 volts on here. From the lead acid batteries outside, they're getting a bit ancient now.

Uh, what's that? 11 volts? What's this again? Oh, four to. Twenty Eight Yeah, that should be fine. So if I put that in this uh, two pin plug and plug it in there, that should power this up now. I Was wondering if I can bodge some current through this thing from my multimeter.

Perhaps in diode mode? it'll put out a small current. Uh, hopefully we can measure that on here. Let's get the light on on there. I'll just connect these into these banana plugs.
Uh, no, that hasn't worked. Let's try something else. How much current will one of these batteries produce? Um, five amps? I Think it's unlikely, Isn't it? Okay, let's just shove that on there and see what happens. Uh, you'll want to see the display, won't you? I'll try and arrange that first.

Okay, current test. With a battery. This could put out quite a bit of current actually. Oh yeah, that's interesting.

It was a lot of current and then it fell down rapidly. But that's probably because this can't sustain 5 amps for very long, so that wasn't a very good test. How about this solar panel? which I've found I Think it's probably six volt or something like that. So I've hooked it up to a couple of Um Just connectors I had lying around and now I've got this big torch.

let's see what that does. Uh, okay, yes, so I'm able to produce uh, what? It was far more than that, wasn't it? and that's dropped a bit I thought I saw 30 milliamps initially. but anyway, we're creating some milliamps now. The question is if I swap these two connections around, will this show a negative current? and uh, yeah, I can also already see that it's minus three milliamps.

Let's put the big torch on it and that's gone to minus 20 milliamps. So yes, that works. That is a bi-directional uh ammeter rated up to 5 amps which will be ideal for, uh, use with this because when this is doing cell balancing I want to be able to see the currents now if it's balancing between cells which are high and low like that and then another time they're high and low like that, the current in these red wires and the black wire of course. um, could potentially flip to the other polarity and we could get positive negative numbers.

So I wanted to buy several of these. put one on each of these five lines which is going to be a bit fiddly from a wiring up point of view. Um, but that's the purpose of this. Okay, let's go to AliExpress and look at this ammeter.

This is the item on AliExpress it is um A by 436 AF uh 0.36 inch digit 4-bit and there are various different uh well colors. Firstly I obviously got red. um five amps, 10 amps, two amps, 3 amps, one amp 100 milliamps and then these ones that say only meter you have to add a current shunt so you don't have to add a current shunt up to 10 amps but you do beyond that and voltage is 3.8 to 30. it didn't actually say that did it said No 4 to 28.

Okay, that's near enough. Uh, four dollars 62 shipping is one ninety one US Dollars These are uh from Good One were official store and they have a 99.6 percent rating. Uh, Incidentally, if you're liking this video then now would be a good time to press the like button. Why don't you? Yes.

Okay, moving on to the next item and it's this. um I Did take the top off this bag but I haven't actually emptied the contents yet. So let's do that and it's these things and they're just loose in here. No additional packaging.
let's take a look. So these are little boost converters. Uh so you put well I can't remember the voltage range but something on the input here. Now in my case, it's going to be well as little as three volts because I want to hook this directly up to a Lithium cell? Um, and then it will boost to a higher voltage.

Based on this truth table. So you can have 5 volts, 8 volts, 9 volts, or 12 volts depending on how you link these. Oops, these boards are coming apart depending on how you link these A and B pads here. So if you join them both together, A and B uh, that's the join symbol.

It's not very clear, isn't it? That's not very clear at all. but I think I saw it on the can you actually see a little line linking those? Uh, Anyway, link them both together and you get 12 volts on the output. So we'll go straight to the AliExpress listing because I want to see what the input voltage range is for these. So these are the items on AliExpress 10 pieces of newest multi-function boost module Step Up 5 volt, 8 volt, 9 volt, 12 volt, 1.5 amp Oh I don't think.

um, let's just switch to this. I Found um Al142 Oh, that says 2.5 amps if that's the right item. I Was just briefly looking for the chip which is an Al 142. But anyway, back to this.

Um, it says here in the description: input voltage is 2.5 so that's good for lithium-ion phosphate I think at about the minimum voltage you take it to 2.5 to whatever V out is uh, fixed output voltage of 12 volts. Oh, maybe that's when they're both unlinked because you can also set it to five, eight, or nine. Uh, does it give the current? Oh, it does One amp at 5 volts, half 0.45.3 at 12 volts. But anyway, it's enough to power this little ammeter.

So this it was 4 to 28 volts, wasn't it for powering it? So, 12 volts from one of these boost converters will be just fine. and I can derive That Power from an individual cell including lithium-ion phosphate down to 2.5 volts. It will still boost up to 12 volts to keep this meter running so that I can watch the currents. And of course, I do also want to get some voltmeters similar to this.

So I can watch the voltages. Uh, the currents in my lithium-ion phosphate battery pack? Well, I didn't actually finish this. did I because um, these were 1.57 for 10. with 137 shipping, that's quite cheap isn't it? And these came from Simple Robot Store and they have 97.6 Positive feedback.

and so these are today's post bag items now. Big thanks to my Patreon patrons. Uh, they get to see my videos typically a day before anyone else does. and also it's before I Switch on the advertising.

So if you'd like to become a Patreon patron, oh, I could do an overlay here. Couldn't I press that button there. More videos for you to watch here and subscribe to the channel if not already subscribed Cheerio.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

11 thoughts on “Julian’s electronics postbag #158 – balance, measure, boost”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Throckmorton Scribblemonger says:

    A video with only post items should be called Post Alone.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ben Mitro says:

    I hear and I obey. The like button has been pressed – several times.

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Macgowan says:

    Mummmm … Boost converters …. yummy

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jax Jackson says:

    Julian, instead of having 4 separate amp meters, why not just use a selector?

    You can use a simple 4-point rotary switch- analog. You can even set it up to handle both meters with one switch.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alan Henness says:

    I'm sure I'd much prefer an ammeter that sensed the positive rail rather than the negative rail – with ones like these, the shunt is in series with the power supply zero Volts/ground and the load, adding extra impedance in the load ground. Has anyone come across such a module?

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars henrik ostrov says:

    The boost converters are so good ive used them only need more

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Alexander Stellwag says:

    the official gnuwn store does not send his artikel to germany.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars AlivisoBob says:

    Love your talks on products. Can not wait till you do a video on that active balancer never understood what they do and are if they necessary?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Defpom's Electronics Repair says:

    I purchased exactly the same boost modules, same issue, marking on the rear was meaningless.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Peter Thejll says:


  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Deathby KillerBong says:

    can you make a video of your shelves and shelves of boards and meters and just general stuff you end up not using

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