Hello, Um, a whole bunch of stuff has come in through the post which I've not really had a chance to look at yet um, but I have opened it all. So I can't really call this a post bag video but it's just a sort of look at uh, what stuff has come in and uh, there's a fair bit of it. So let's start with these two. uh, whatever that is and inside it's uh, a little display module with a three button interface and it's this.

it's an H56 C Kolomer. Now this one's interesting because um, you put voltage to it just on that two pin. jst. Oh I took the cable out of the bag didn't I cuz I used a longer one.

Um, but for measuring current, you actually use this uh what? you call it a current Transformer but it works for DC So this is a DC uh. volts and amps keter. um I'm not going to power it up I'm also not going to do the screen grab on AliExpress but what I will do is I'll put um links to all these things in the description so that you can at least find them. but yeah, that's the H56.

Um, you don't have to tap into the current circuit, you just. well, you have to break it because of course you have to pass the wire through there, but you don't have to permanently have. The other thing of course with this is that you can measure in the low side or the high side. If you're using um, a current measuring device which has a shunt, then typically you have to put that on the low side with one end to your ground.

Okay, in this box, we have another kolomer uh, this one is a Tk1 15h keter and in here we've got an incredibly dinky display. I Mean look how small it is compared to that one. Yeah, very dinky. Another three button interface and this one has this very dinky little 50 amp.

Uh, well they call it a sampler. but to my mind, this is a shunt. There's a 1 M Cable shielded cable goes from the shunt to the little module. Uh, how do you power this? Oh yes, you power it through that terminal there.

So one, one end of the shunt goes to your uh back battery ground. and these two things of course are for measuring current. uh or kums. I Suppose flowing into a battery and flowing out of a battery.

So this one yes will have to be put to battery. Negative Battery positive will go in that little terminal there and then your load and or your charger will go to the other side. I can't quite see on there which side is which at the moment I can see it. Now that's B minus.

that's P minus. So that's for your load and or your charger and that's uh B positive there and I just noticed there was a little screw in the bottom. So does this push out? Yes, I believe it does. Okay, That's the cover off.

Oh, that is literally a whatever that, uh, copperish strip type shunt. There's no componentry on there at all. is there? This is a aluminium PCB Um, yeah. so B minus B positive P minus And then uh, the cables run up to the little sampling module H Neat.

Now of course. these two things have, um, a three button user interface. So one is going to have to learn the user interface for these two things and that's may maybe why I Haven't quite got around to having a look at them yet because uh, these things you have to sort of teach yourself the interface uh, links as I say for these things will be in the description below and let me know in the comments. Um, which of these things you're most interested in and which you'd like me to do a sort of more in-depth review of, um, when it comes to it.
So next we have this: a Wz 5020 L and an Xy6 D20 L And yes, they are kind of similar. Okay, the Wz is this and it comes pre-bled and it is. Uh, well. let me get all this clutter out of the way.

Yes, it is a buck converter. Um I've got a feeling it's 50 volts, 20 amps for this one with its own Again, User interface display module. Uh, constant current, constant voltage I Think these things are typically 50 or 60 volts. This one might be 50 volts, the other one might be 60 20 amps.

Uh, it's got a little fan on there heat sink with the Uh High current semiconductors on it and also the Uh inductor is next to the fan which I think is very sensible. Um, this I think has a TW line display I won't power it up now, but we'll get into that when I do a comparison video between these two. Okay, let's have a look at the Uh XY 6020 L it's a very similar thing. Oh I haven't actually opened the bag on this one.

I'll do that now now. I Got a feeling the only difference? Well, one of the difference is that this is 60 Vols Another difference is that I think the display is uh, three lines so let's take a look at that again. they come pre- wide which is odd. Do they not think I can connect? These are very tiny I suppose.

But yeah, I got a feeling this is a three line uh display. which probably means that it's a little bit more in depth. Um, right here we've got a fan on the heat sink. couple of semiconductors on there.

Uh, this is the 20 amp 60 volt version. Oh, we got a common mode uh inductor here. Uh, big inductor here with the fan cable going through it. That's quite interesting, isn't it? Um, but the fan doesn't actually directly call the inductor on this one.

I Quite like that layout where the the fan also calls the inductor cuz those things do get quite warm. The capacitors also get quite warm. so in a in a way it's good to see these capacitors in that airflow. That's not the case with this one.

This one's interesting. You can actually use it without the keyboard and display, but only as a a non-current controlled fixed voltage regulator. And it's a bit over the top for just just a fixed voltage regulator. But here's the map.

you can have um, Micr, processor control or numerical control I Think that is isn't it? NC Uh, that's with the display and keyboard if the switch is in that position and then you got 5 volts, 9 volts, 12, Vols 24, 36 48, and 60 volts fixed uh voltage output where it's just literally a voltage regulator. So again, I'll put links to these two things in the description below and let me know which of these items I'm showing today. You'd like to see in more detail first. Okay, next up is this.
it says BMS on it. it is a BMS but there's an additional accessory that I bought to go with this and that's all this stuff, all this cable and this little thing here. But the main item is this. It's a Smart BMS Well can't remember how many amps it is.

actually it says on it so let's have a look. Um, it's a JK Smart BMS Uh, prewired with the B minus and P minus connections. What do we got here4 amps? that might be the balance current 40 amp, 60 amp so one of those will be charge and one will be discharge I Imagine uh, 4 to8 so I got a feeling this is An8 cell BMS but because it's a smart BMS Oh, there's two uh, temperature sensors pre-wired there little THS Um, but there's lots of connectivity on here. um Yes actually also in here.

of course you've got the multi-way cable now. this one's odd in that you get yeah, this is for eight way I think how many connections are there? Uh well, there's eight Reds and one black so that's kind of nine way. And then you have this odd single uh cable here which I think you have to wire to the most positive point and that goes right up at the end of the connector array. I think and I think it tells this how many cells there are something like that.

Um, so it is slightly odd, but I haven't done all the reading I need to do on this yet. But what I did buy is this accessory and it comes with masses of cable and interconnectors. Uh, actually the BMS itself comes with this switch. Not entirely sure why there's a switch.

Little momentary action push button switch with a multi-way connector. Can't quite remember what that does. Um, but this thing is a little display. Now there are two displays.

There's a full featured display which shows you all the cell voltages. This one doesn't I Think it just shows you state of charge. It's a kind of at a glance display state of charge, possibly voltage and current of the pack I can't remember to be honest. Uh, you can.

You can check it in the AliExpress listing. It'll show you photos and how it all works. but this comes with uh Mars of cable and then this bizarre multi-pin connector. then the other side of that multi-pin connector which goes to another connector which then goes off to yet another connector and I Got a feeling that plugs into uh one of the connectors down on the bottom of the BMS but yeah, I've yet to look at all this stuff.

Um and again, there's a user interface for this. Of course it's well, there's a single push button on the display. play I Don't know what that does. Um, but this works with an app.

So you load the app onto your phone and then you can set all the parameters of this and read all the uh, cell and pack stats. right. Next up is this little 100 amp 12volt relay. Now this was advertised as a motorcycle uh starter relay.
I Think you get Um terminals for that. So there are two Spade lugs for the coil and there are two screw terminals. They look like M six possibly yeah, cuz I think these are M8 yeah that's right. so these are M6 I think um for the high current connections now some time ago and I have shown these but probably not for a long time.

I bought um a solid state relay and this is a DD So I think it's DC to DC uh 40 amp. there's all sorts of C for that I think you have to fully heat sink and all that stuff and then I also bought this um I don't know whether I've got I'm going to have be able to find listing uh codes for these or links for these but I bought this one. oh where is it and it's a 500 amp relay DC 24 volts. Um, but as I say I have shown these before but it was a long time ago so I've got those.

But my latest thinking for Um switching ant miners on from those big lithium phosphate batteries is this relay and actually interestingly this one comes apart quite easily. so let me just see if I can do that. if I can remember how I got it to come apart, hold on a sec. Yeah I just felt that move.

So I think that's about ready to come open now. Yeah there it is. So inside the relay is uh this and you can see that the two uh spay terminals go to uh the coil which is just wound on that form. there.

it's all very nice and visible isn't it? And then the two high current uh terminals. One goes to this. now in the listing I Think it shows this as having two braids, one running across there and one running from the other side. They obviously decided that they'd go with a single braid.

it does look thicker. um and then when the uh, uh electromagnet energizes it pulls this thick piece of metal down and then that in turn brings this thin piece of spring steel down and that is able to bend a little bit so that you get a good connection. These are obviously um, some sort of alloy because you will get sparks there. So some sort of thing which minimizes, uh, burning away.

It's obviously a very hard substance. Uh, this looks like copper and that's it. I Mean it's really quite simple. Uh, so yeah.

once again, I will put a link to this uh, 100 amp motorcycle relay on AliExpress these things I think I bought some time ago on eBay I mean if I can find links, I'll put those on as well. Okay, and finally, now these two I'm going to be a bit cryptic about because I'm going to do the full reveal of these in an upcoming video. So I'm going to say nothing about this other than to show you this, uh, rather interesting cryptic shot and there's another one coming up and it's this Again, not giving too much away, but just a little hint that's coming up very soon. I'm just waiting for something to come in uh, in an upcoming video.
So there we are. Uh, sneak peeks of a few items. It's not quite a post bag cuz I didn't unwrap my post. what should I call this I don't know.

um, these items will be coming up in forthcoming videos. It's all sort of, um, solo and battery and uh, what you put on the battery related uh links in the description as I say but that's it for this video. So cheerio!.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

One thought on “New product peek”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars @jamhough22 says:

    I wouldn’t mind you looking at all of those devices.

    The JK bms is actually quite good, apart from trying to get it started, that is what the button is for.

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