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My Arduino compatible (sort of) board being made ready for manufacturing.
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Good morning, all this is jlc pcb's zhuhai manufacturing plant, some pretty big buildings there. Some cars parked along here now. What are these? I thought they were tennis courts, but they're not there's a sort of strange red square off of which comes two sort of semi-circles. That's a peculiar sport.

What's that all about, does anyone know um and we've got some buildings in the background there. So i think i'll take this bit here and place it up there. So today i want to get my pro minty, which is a bit like the pro mini. It's a bit bigger, it's square, it's going to be green, but essentially it's got the same parts on it, um a 80 mega 328p.

Actually, i haven't bothered putting a regulator on the pro minty because i'm not intending to use the raw input. It's got a switch, but let's go to easy eda and get that prepped and ready for production so that uh, when it comes back, we can take a look at it and now an update on my micro controller board with the 80 mega 328p. So this is kind of pro mini style. I had originally called it pro minty.

I could actually call it pro minty, because i'm gon na get it made in green and green is a minty color? Isn't it so yeah? That's that's! Okay! Now someone suggested um holes in the corners, so i've put those in. In fact that was a pet hate, so no more hating. This board, then, because they're in someone suggested moving the main decoupling capacitor a bit closer to the microcontroller, that's about, as close as i can get it to the five volt line, which is this line highlighted there um what else was suggested um? Oh, yes, the islands which i've dealt with. Let me turn off the board.

Outline and um take a look at the blue side. So there's an island here. Well, i've put a couple of vias in where it coincides with ground on the red side, so that island is stitched. There's an island here on the top side, the red side.

I've put a couple of eyes in to stitch that to the ground plane on the blue side, so my islands are all stitched and grounded, which should be preferable. Okay, i think i'm ready now to go into the bill of materials, the bomb and start specifying parts in here now um i need, i don't need any of these headers. So a lot of this isn't needed now. This is interesting.

The red led, as pulled in from this thing up here, the ee lib always picks a non-basic part led so jlc pcb and easy eda. If you're watching, i think it'd be quite nice to have the default red led in ee lib to be your basic part. Red led, rather than an extended part, because it makes more sense to just pick basic parts than extended parts um, but anyway, i'm going to go through this changing it. The 100 ends it's the same process as before, so i'll do all that off camera.

Okay. So i think it's all done. I've picked the red led, the green led now the blue led. I had to go back to my radio tower where i didn't know what the color of that led was and find the part number well, it's that one.
It's the 0805 qbc. Oh, that's an 0805, that's interesting that might not fit, but it might fit. Let's have a look when the gerber is created. Yes, i really need an o603 blue.

Don't i perhaps i'll have another look for that: uh 1k resistors. 10K resistor. The switch, which is this ts, 1187a ceb, which is this sort of octagonal, shaped, switch uh, the atmega328p, a? U which is in stock and the morata oscillator, the ceramic resonator, 16 megahertz. That's also specified, so that's pretty much it.

I will have another look at this. Blue led, though, because yes, i remember now that was an 0805 do. You know i'm tempted to try and experiment here and just see whether they would be willing to put an 0805 led on an o603 footprint just purely for the entertainment value. So i'm going to leave that in there knowing it's blue and just see if they query it, i think i'm going to do that.

So let's export the bomb, because everything else is done. Okay, that's good, and i will also close that and export the cpl file, or rather the pick and place file yeah. Let's see what happens with that. It's intriguing, so i've got my bom and cpl files.

Let's now produce gerbers uh. I suppose i want to do a final drc check all the other thing i should do is check my ground planes make sure they're all okay they should be. I don't think i've moved anything, but i think i'll just do that before i send this off for manufacture. So i'm going to go for the default settings.

Five pieces 1.6 mil green hassle with lead. One ounce copper order at jlcpcb, and here it is, and it's looking good uh right. Okay, so i'll just check all this two layers: 38 by 38, five one design, delivery format, single pcbs, that's right: 1.6, green uh, silk, screen white! There are no other options. That's interesting hassle with lead one ounce, i think that's all done - need to switch on my smt assembly now.

So i want the top side assembled. Ah we're back to you can have two. If you want, or you can have five, i wonder if that's down to the components you choose whether you can have two assembled or five. I've got to the part where you review the parts you want fitted and i don't need the headers here.

So an inventory shortage there doesn't matter, but this is a problem inventory shortage on the 16 megahertz ceramic resonator. That's a nuisance, let's check their parts library well! This is interesting, i'm in the crystal resonators and there's no stock of this one 16 megahertz, but that's 2016.. I don't think i specified that i've got a feeling. I haven't checked that i've picked the right part here.

I think i want this one 16 megahertz three, two two something because i'm pretty sure it was 3.2 millimeters long, but i need to go back and check it and probably rebuild the bomb file. So i shall do that right. I think i'm going to have to do a bit of a redesign on this, because there are no 16 megahertz ceramic resonators in stock. So i think i'm going to redo this with a 16 megahertz smd crystal and load capacitors.
I think i can fit that in that space if i move these tracks a little bit so redesign required for that one, but i should be able to get my chorizo sent away so there we are. I've relayed out this microcontroller board to use a crystal and two load capacitors here, rather than the ceramic resonator, which are all out of stock, and i've managed to get this board and my charizo board both uh uploaded and into production. So they will be on their way at some point anyway, that's enough for today, so cheerio.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

9 thoughts on “Preparing the Juliano Pro Minty for Production”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Kevin Pearce says:

    Hi Julian and others. I watch with interest, all of your videos. Great work – please keep them coming. They promote JLCPCB (via EasyEDA) for your PCB manufacture, and parts. Please tell your watchers (in any upcoming videos) if JLCPCB bothers to heed your request regarding its suggesting "basic parts" rather than "extended parts". I would hate to think that this practise was just a sales gimmick to lure the unsuspecting user (like myself) into purchasing more expensive parts for no apparent reason.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Engineer Euler says:

    Julian.. I'm your biggest fan. Loving your recent videos about using JLCPCB tool and ordering from them. Sponsoring you was probably their best marketing effort ever and they are super lucky to have you on board. I even filled a little note book with tips from their online help and your videos. The only thing that is still kind of vague for beginners like myself is the final steps in the process and you were very helpful in that but I still hope that you dedicate a new video just for that.

    What I mean by "final steps" is everything between the end of the components/tracks placement and placing an order, especially how to save on paneling and/or making two (or more) small boards as one in one order with some groove or wedge to brake them when they arrive in addition to the options when placing an order.

    An other important idea for a video is tips and tricks in the PCB design in general. Your recent tips were amazing.

    Thank you man

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jlucasound says:

    Thank You, Julian, for "talking" to JLCPCB. Your suggestions to them can only help everyone to have a better experience with putting their projects together. I am sure they listen. You, I think, are one of the first promoters of JLCPCB that I have seen. I find their services intriguing.
    I have no connection with nor am I affiliated with JLCPCB in any way. And I usually hate commercials. I just love electronics. Someone making a circuit board for me and sending it to my mailbox? How cool is that? 🙂

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars I'm not Chuck. says:

    In my first try at EasyEda, I had quite a hard time finding many of the basic (as opposed to extended) parts. Perhaps that was because of my inexperience, but it would be nice if they made the basic parts easier to find. For example, I had to use an 0805 green LED instead of 0603 because I never found a basic 0603 green LED.

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars jlucasound says:

    In all seriousness. Remember people, that JLCPCB is helping to keep Julian's awesome videos going. I am going to try them out soon. This is a boon for us electronics enthusiasts. Julian introduced me to a basic arduino build. He helped me understand UART. (Is that right, Julian? The USB board). Anyway, carry on Julian. You may want to start blowing things up. The people want excitement!! Love your work, Julian and the accent is "killer"! Make a cabinet for the Vicoder! Deep Walnut. I AM your father! No, not really. 🙂

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars john smith says:

    Does anyone know if it would be possible to transmit information to a light sensor from you tube? it would be slow data rate but if you held the sensor on your monitor and convert to ascii for example. i remember it being a thing on the bbc back in the 80s and ive allways wanted to try it.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars PicoNano says:

    If it was me, I would've made the trace from the 3xVcc pins of the uC, to the thickness of one of the pins.
    The supply line is too thin and can't provide high current peaks. Your uC won't be taking more than 20~30mA, so this is not a problem. An Esp32 would've been another story.
    Also, some people may not know this, but ceramic resonators are not crystals. They have a typical tolerance of +/- 0.5%
    That's over two orders of magnitude worse than a crystal. If you want to operate at top speed on the Tx and Rx lines for example, you'll find a lot of errors.
    This gets worse with temperature. Something that worked fine in summer, may not work in winter! Temperature plays a big part in drift.
    In my day, when I designed using the PIC18, I was not able to go above 115,200 reliably using a ceramic resonator.
    I changed to 4MHz crystal, and used the PIC's PLL to get 16MHz. Then, I got over 1Mb/s full throttle. No errors from -40 to +60ºC.
    Ceramic resonators are very cheap to make, and used everywhere precise timing and temperature stability is not required.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Frédéric Bach says:

    The ATMEGA328P-U and all of its "variants" (328-U and 328PB-U) seem to be sold out everywhere in Europe. Announced back in stock for June 2023. But the Chinese seem to have still lots of stock. I'm wondering what's going on there… Are the Chinese sellers just getting hold of all of them before we have a chance to get any of them or are these just all fake chips ?

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jon Electronics says:

    In theory I think your power rail should enter your decoupling capacitor first and then that feeds your micro. Also the 5V line should tap off parallel for other devices like you programming header rather than run through the micro, else any surges down the line will be seen by the micro. All my opinion, I know this divides lots of engineers! Great little project.

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