What's the EV charging situation in South Ruislip?

Good Morning All Uh, today. Electric Vehicle Charging and I'm at Asda in South Ruislip. And there are Loads of electric charging points here. Um, there are pod points.

There are 10 in a row here. Now these are double charging pod points. So there are actually 20 electric vehicle charging Bays The problem is, Do Not use out of order out of order out of order out of order. Every single one of these pod Point Chargers is do Not use out of order.

Now this isn't the full extent of the Pod point charges at this. Asda In South Ruislip, there are eight more charging Bays here. four posts. All of these are do Not Use out of order These ones.

The stickers are not on there, but there's yellow and black tape over the actual charging port. Here there are four of these round Uh pod point charges. all of which are out of order. There's a pod Point Here, it's out of order.

There are some more pod points over here, out of order, out of order pod Point here out of order and there's another one over there. And of course, all these bays are iced. They've all got internal combustion engine vehicles in them because there's no charging here. There are six more electric vehicle charging Bays Here, six Uh Pod Point charging points, all of which are not lit up and I can only assume they're out of order.

There are five more charging Bays over here by the entrance and this one actually has a red light on it. so it's got power to it. But what does a red light mean? Yeah, out of order. So what's going on here at Uh Asda in South Ruislip? Let's take a look at the Pod Point app, right? Well, this is the Pod Point app and I'm here.

um near the blue dot near the RAF uh North Halt there And interestingly, Pod Point doesn't actually show them having any Chargers here at Asda in South Ruislip, there's one across here to the right which is at Lidl I think it is and I will go there after here. but uh yeah, nothing showing on the Podpoint app. So even if you could connect to the charger, you wouldn't be able to confirm the charge so you wouldn't be able to get more than 15 minutes. But from what I can see, an electric vehicle owners are pretty canny.

There's no electricity here, otherwise there would be cars here plugged in. Well no matter, because now I'm crossing the road looking left and right. Um, because here there's an algae which is up there. and they also have quite a large number of electric vehicle charging points.

Let's check them out right here: I Am at Aldi And here there is a whole row of these Rolex charging points. But as you can see, this one's got a cover over it. Now it does say here: um free to use EV charging point and a friend of mine lives around here so I have used these before and yes, they were free to use not anymore because they're unusable now. There are lots of these charges here and they're double-sided So for every post there are two charging points.

I'm gonna have to walk on this mud now. Um yes, they're all covered up. So that's two, three, four five. and of course all these bays are now iced.
They've all got, um, just regular cars parked in them and there's nothing wrong with that. Um, because the electric car chargers aren't working. Yes, there are 20 charging points here in total. and now because these are all covered up.

and I suppose the issue here is that these were free vend charging points. Well, it's now just not economic for a supermarket to give away free electricity because of the price of electricity. and I don't know whether these charge points can be upgraded to actually charge money. They probably can't So yeah, they're all hooded 20 EV charging points none in use now I've just phoned um, podpoint about these I don't know between 30 or 40 pod Point charging Bays um at Asda South Ruislip and they said something interesting.

They said they're all out of warranty and she also said they're an older model but I'm not sure that these are an older model. They don't look any older than the ones that um Wickham retail Park which are all still working And then she just said oh, we're in talks with Asda to try and work out what we're doing moving forward now. When I was filming the Uh charges at Aldi a chap came up to me and he said, oh, I've complained about these I've written to my Mp he said he'd written to Boris Johnson Actually, of course that would have been his MP wouldn't it because uh, he's Uxbridge and South Ruislip I believe and I thought, well, that won't do any good, you're not going to get anything from that and he said, no, Nobody answered Nobody's interested, right? I've now come down to Lidl in also in South Risely but it's a map about a mile further south down Victoria Road and there is a pod Point here. Now it's only a single pod point.

This Chap's just come out. He's got a Kia Miro and now we've got this chap who's got an ID3 I think it is and he's uh, just going into the Pod points I suppose I'm next in the queue. There is a Tesla here, but he appears to be on the type 2. Oh, now, would that be seven kilowatt? or can Tesla do more than seven kilowatt Nevertheless, that's a separate charger and the uh, the rapid.

Only one car can take charge on the rapid at any one time. You can either use the Chadamo or you can use the CCS, but only one person can charge at any one time. So this pod point is actually working and it must get a lot of use I'd Imagine because these single rapid charges are few and far between even around here in West London And so the situation here is quite different. This charger works, but of course there's a cue because it's so much in demand it being a rapid charger.

I mean it's actually not that rapid I think these are maximum 50 kilowatt? Well, the ID3 uh wasn't there for long I just had a quick look in the shops if I could find any goodies. Uh, I didn't really. But anyway I've managed to get on this pod point now. So I think I'm gonna have a sneaky 10.
let's get plugged in. Well I've just confirmed the charge on the app, but the screen here is saying this output and it is on CCS 50 kilowatt is out of order so I better have a look in my car and see if it's charging. Okay in the car that says connected, not charging. Oh, it might be having another go I Just heard a click.

okay I don't use these pod Point Rapids very often and there was a little bit of fiddling about required, but it does now appear to be charging. I Don't really need a charge on it 70, but I'll take it up to 80. let's take a look inside the car. Well, it is charging but it's only 58 amps at 383 volts.

Now on the 50 kilowatt. Ospreys I'm normally used to seeing about 120 amps. Negative: So this is running at half speed. This is only really giving me 25 kilowatts so not all Chargers in South rise lip are out of order.

Um, a lot of them were in that particular retail Park where Asda and ALDI were. but this one's working and if you're prepared to wait for a little while, you can get on it and I am now on it and let's see how well it's doing. Okay, it's up to 71, so I'll take it to 80 percent and then I'll head back home. Well, that's the state of EV charging in South Ruislip Cheerio.

By Julian

Youtuber, shed dweller, solar charge controller aficionado

13 thoughts on “The state of ev charging – south ruislip”
  1. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Jason Arthurs says:

    I had a chat with an engineer fixing a PodPoint post and he said that they have a problem with condensation. The supermarkets used to turn them off out-of-hours and then they get cold and build up condensation inside. Many of these posts were installed without regard to the cost of maintenance and when they go wrong the supermarkets don't want to pay up for the running costs.

  2. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars paul wright says:

    Theirs one at co op in banks Southport

  3. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Robbie Potsie says:

    Interesting video Julian. Thanks. … who would have thunk it ๐Ÿ™‚ .. economics getting in the way of a global problem the world has in the way it 'consumes' energy. …interesting .. Pots. Australia.

  4. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars darkknight145 says:

    Doesn't look good for the future of Electric vehicles if they can't even keep the chargers working!

  5. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marc Taylor says:

    When the fast charger gets to about 70% it slows down to protect the battery.

  6. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Ravenbar's Repairs says:

    This is a primary reason I'll never buy an electric vehicle. All energy needs being reliant on a single system makes for a very disputable system. ICE vehicles, homes being reliant on a variety of fossil fuel sources in addition to electricity, make for a much more resilient energy network.

  7. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Marcus F. says:

    A country of 67 million, the British Government wants to work out the EV charging network plan very rapidly.

  8. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars James says:

    Tesla do it right, most other public charging networks are a damaging farse to the future of EV adoption.

  9. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Stakker Humanoid says:

    Maybe the chargers weren't installed perfectly vertical? That's why not working.

    You can use your Parkside inclinometer to check them!

    Please can you check them and report back with the results, to two decimal places. Thanks.

  10. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Paul Macgowan says:

    This is why they should just provide 3p plugs instead, nothing to go wrong

  11. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Okurka says:

    This is a look into the future.

  12. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars Helmuth Schultes says:

    Charging situation is likely to get worse than better for quite some time yet.
    That even with EV use still considerably less than IC cars. How will it work if most are EV?

    The entire power network will need upgrading. Who pays? All power consumers? Or EV users? Likely all consumers of power, plus the tax payers on top of that.
    Given energy sources will fall below demand, more power brownouts if not full power shut-downs during peak demand times. Worst of all even higher power prices are yet coming.

  13. Avataaar/Circle Created with python_avatars CaroMan says:

    Looks like a Job for YOU ๐Ÿ˜‰

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